I'm a Yank. And over here, we USED to have an ideology called "Yankee Ingenuity." It was the concept of doing the most you could with what was on hand. All my life, I heard "Use it up, Wear it out, Make it do, or do without." Then after the war, the US became the land of plenty, and that ideology kind of faded away.
I still admire it though, and try to implement it in my life as my parents had to in theirs. And admiring that has made me admire airplanes like the Borrabee, the Tyro, the
Thruster, and a few others. These airplanes are designed with a minimum of material, yet still rugged and serviceable. I decided to look for plans. Of the ones mentioned, the Tyro was the only one that I know of that had sold plans in any number. I could only find one thread that mentioned plans, and it dead ended. If an Aussie was looking for plans to the Tyro, where would he look?
I've corresponded with the designer several times, and he doesn't have any available, although he is willing to help with information. Great guy, btw!
Thanks you guys! I'm hoping to find someone with a set stashed away.