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Everything posted by trailer

  1. It's already a double standard for medicals. Maintenance and training requirements are to be different as well with the costs of administration by RAA to increase. As has been discussed elsewhere, compliance within the current GA and Recreational framework is a big issue in many locations already, this weight upgrade will add another layer confusion.
  2. I suspect the issues are systematic created by the institutional strangulation of GA, the flow on to self regulated organisations is no suprise. It is increasingly very difficult to access instructors and maintance personnel in many locations.
  3. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-04-07/light-plane-crash-hillcrest-queensland-female-pilot-injured/102200418
  4. This extract from the RAAus CEO is somewhat concerning... 'As part of our ongoing Part 149 obligations, RAAus must provide CASA with a range of statistics, including safety and compliance data. For this first quarter of 2023, we’ve continued to see the same kind of non-compliances occurring, which is disappointing. As an example, we identified two aircraft flown without current registration, eight instances of Instructors operating with expired medicals, six instances of pilots operating without a current BFR, and the list goes on.'
  5. Heartbreaking. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-04-03/small-plane-missing-in-bloomsbury-near-mackay/102178366
  6. That's fantastic news. Hopefully he is back in the air soon. Lots of us wishing him a speedy recovery.
  7. This is the RAAus team. No idea who gets paid or who volunteers. Photo from the RAAus Facebook page.
  8. Looks like an early model jab. Did well to get out.
  9. Along the lines of my post earlier, can anyone dirct traffic to an aussie supplier?
  10. I was replacing the 50mm silk (surgical) tape which was between the elevator/horizontal stabiliser until I discovered at my local chemist that it is no longer available in Australia. Looking for suggestions as to what other product is suitable for this purpose. (Picture is 3M silk tape apparently only available from the USA).
  11. Pretty sure Aerochute powered paragliders are RAAus, any other paraglider and powered paraglider is SAFA. Confusing and inconsistent system of self regulation however you look at it.
  12. https://nine.social/9qn
  13. Of that 3000 aircraft, how many are actually flying regularly, and how many are dust-gathering hangar queens? The mustering/station industry must be the major component of RA-Aus I suspect you are on the money here. I know of numerous hangars that have dusty, unused, unserviceable aircraft that have RAAus rego current. Probably simmilar in may locations.
  14. I only use Ryco, they are a small cost of maintenance and are available everywhere. Never known any issues with them and are used by most (if not all) jab pilots I know.
  15. My point is that on one hand young Hayden is told he is not fit to fly in Australia due to risk. Once he pays fees to RAAus and self declares fitness he is now safe to fly in Australia. Medical policies with CASA are a joke.
  16. Great story which highlights the hypocrisy of the system we have in Australia. Deemed by AVMED as medically unfit to fly and yet in the same country can self declare fitness and happily (with the same risk and health) fly an aircraft around our spectacular land.
  17. It would be interesting to know the average age of RAA pilots. Looking around aero clubs there seems to be a significant deficit of members under the age of 70. Senior members often own aircraft but rarely fly, if at all. We may already be in a perfect storm, red tape burocracy, spiralling costs, less activity with instruction and local flying creates less interest generally so numbers coming into the sport will not come close to replacing those hanging up their headsets. It is deeply concerning to me.
  18. Potoroo - Thank you for what seems an amazing contribution to Aviation in Australia. I hope CASA and RAA read your post, it shows a need for action at a political level.
  19. I don't think instructors generally make much money due to the amount of time that goes into supporting theory and ground briefings. It seems to be the passionate aviators who came from the AUF such as you Farri that are going..going..gone. The bigger schools that train and employ instructors from their own students seem to be doing okay but they are the minority I think. It's the flying clubs and regional schools which seem to be disappearing fast. What could RAA do to support those inerested in taking on the role in regional areas. One suggestion could be the supervision of new instructors using technology when there is not pracical ability for a CFI to be onsite while they work through their training. This could also help GA training which is also suffering a simmilar fate. PS thanks for you youtube vids Farri they are great.
  20. Does anyone else notice we are losing RAA instructors in regional areas and there doesn't seem to be new ones filling the gaps? Not sure about metropolitan areas but I hear it is not uncommon that people are finding it difficult to get training and bfrs. Is it too difficult to get the qualification or is just not worth it?
  21. Thanks for the reply RF guy, those budget units say they are for honey, milk oil etc, unable to find any which reference petrol.
  22. Thanks Churk, tried them recently, the website doesn't work for orders and then I found the email contact for orders very slow and suss, were keen for payment but vague detailing shipment and supply. Found reviews dating back 7 years to recent warning about dealing with them. https://www.resellerratings.com/store/Futurlec
  23. Are there any fuel flow senders available for a homebuild project which aren't $100s. Even prices for marine applications are eye watering. Any suggestions???
  24. Airpark development seems to have stopped. Are there vacant hangar blocks available in NSW? Do you know of any future council release plans for airparks? Narromine, Temora, Holbrook and Tocumwal are some I know about that seem to have gone quiet.
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