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Everything posted by Louie

  1. No just normal servicing per manual.
  2. Looking to buy a reasonable quality leak down tester to be used on Jabiru engine and note many different brands available. Any recommendations?
  3. Whilst I agree aircraft owners/operators/builders need to take responsibility for being aware of these matters, surely RA-Aus has a fiduciary obligation to ensure prompt notification of any Airworthiness Notice to affected owners. The obvious one is emailing the appropriate people concerned according to information on the data base. Obviously this would not be possible at this stage for RA-Aus given recent issues, however at least an ability to subscribe to an email service for AD's and you can personally decide what is relevant to your situation. Failing all that, I would suggest checking the website everyday is not suitable or appropriate in this day and age. With the current system imagine how many will carry on regardless and be oblivious to this control cable directive.
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IpDMNIZj2TM
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  5. Sincere condolences to family and friends of all involved. The Sierra is all metal skins and the Cheetah is fabric and metal. Sierra can have 6 cylinder Jab (amongst others).
  6. Yes that is correct, however aircraft ownership has many benefits of which none make financial sense.
  7. Thanks for the logical and comprehensive analysis and comments. Much appreciated!
  8. Ok thanks!
  9. Thanks Nev. Was hoping you'd chip in with an opinion. Could you expand on the rationale for the seaplane option?
  10. Would like to call upon the experienced and wise heads on the forum regarding their opinion of what type of GA aircraft they would buy given they had up to $150k to spend, the obvious normal maintenance costs were affordable, VFR, to be used for touring, will be hangared, passenger carrying capacity is not a priority and open to all types.
  11. Thanks guys absolutely understand the importance of what you are saying and I don't ever second guess anything. I was intrigued to read quoted numbers in the article given that different mounting methods and situations apply. I will get a number from Garry.
  12. Jabiru Prop Manual says 6ft.lbs but I'm wondering if any difference because they use Belleville washers. Mine is wooden prop on jab 6 cyl jab. (Morgan Sierra and prop)
  13. Looking for information regarding recommended bolt torque for a wooden propeller. Article in latest Sport Pilot says 11 to 14 ft. lbs. Also is there an adjustment in the setting when using lock nuts due to the resistance?
  14. Much appreciated thank Geoff. Will send you a PM.
  15. Good-one! Where would I be able to source the plug?
  16. Sent an email to Clear Prop 29/03 and PM to Ian 31/03 re with fault with Headset. Still no reply.
  17. Has anyone used a Buzz Master for Prop balancing? Any thoughts? Looks fairly simple. http://www.eaavideo.org/video.aspx?v=1218646859001 http://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/appages/buzzmaster.php
  18. Thanks for the feedback guys as it now makes a bit more sense.
  19. Interested to know how others keep records as required as I wish to be compliant for my 19 aircraft but RA-Aus keeps me confused. Section 4.5 of the Technical Manual states: 1. An aircraft log book must be kept and the following information entered as soon as possible after the event: a. Date, hours flown and landings made. The bottom of the page is headed EXAMPLE OF ULTRALIGHT AIRCRAFT LOG BOOK (Example follows) but there is no example following. It then goes on to say blank log books are available from the AUF (sic) office. I have one of these log books but there is nowhere to enter this information as it all designed to enter maintenance as would be expected. A previous phone call to RA-Aus advised it's ok to record the landings in my pilot's log book which I have been doing but I'm not sure about it. It's ok as I am the only one flying my plane but it couldn't be right for all aircraft where there is more than one pilot. I also notice on the RA-Aus site there is a Maintenance Form. Is this what should be used in addition to the Aircraft Log Book? Maybe just make up an excel spreadsheet? What are others doing? I suspect there may be differing procedures used by all given the lack of clarity.
  20. Probably been discussed before but does having this print out on board cover off having the latest charts relative to your flight?
  21. Bryan you register once only online and provide your relevant personal details. I purchased mine online and you don't have to register before receiving the unit.
  22. Makes you wonder why non-GPS beacons are available. Some may say cost but when you're dealing with lives it's irrelevant. The small extra cost could also be viewed as more user pays reflected in the less time spent finding people.
  23. Good-one thanks Andy.
  24. Just reading the Jabiru maintenance suggest having a 2" "Crowsfoot" adaptor - 7/16 in the range of tools required for maintenance and wondering if this is required for the head bolt tension check for hard to get at places? Contacted Snap-on to order and advised out of stock for a few weeks.
  25. Louie

    Spark Plugs

    Answered my next query why wouldn't the 'R' ones just be the norm. (bit strange one Robert Llewelyn replying to another. What's the chances of that!)
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