Flying Dog: I have pulled mine apart it's not too hard, just make sure you take note of where everything was when you pull the bottom off. If I remember correctly there are a couple of springs that you have to hold in place when putting them back together but no major concerns.
eland: I am not that happy with mine, within 12 months of light use the toe brake on the left pedal is stuck on about half the time and makes ground handling quite difficult.
Hi Shags, having a problem running the application on my PC at home running Windows 7 x64:
System.InvalidOperationException: The 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' provider is not registered on the local machine.
I have the rest of the error I can email or PM you if required. If you are currently compiling the application for all CPU's then I believe the fix should be as simple as building for x86 only.
Hi Shags, not sure where you live but Caboolture is probably similar to Boonah in distance from the CBD. I am having my lessons at Redcliffe where they have a VH registered Tecnam P92 (probably the same place you already know about). The instructors are great and everyone who works there is really friendly.
Hi Mick
I have done 4 lessons of circuits so far with my 5th coming up this weekend and my experiences were not unlike yours. I went into my first session as prepared and excited as I would ever be, and came out of it quite pleased with it all.
In my next lesson there was a crosswind and updrafts on late base and final which made the descent a little more challenging but overall I was just a little disapointed that I thought I had not performed as well as I did the first time around.
On my third session there were showers around and with them came gusty winds that were changing direction every circuit. This obviously made it harder but my attmepts to cope with this new situation were not proving very successful and towards the end of the lesson the instructor took over to show me what I was doing wrong. I struggled mentally to keep on top of everything that was happening and I came away from that lesson really disapointed in how I did.
The next time around I was determined to improve from last time, and while I still didn't think my landings were as good as the first session I was happy with the improvement from last time around.
After each lesson I try to think about why things did or did not go well and I believe that it comes down to being mentally prepared and having been through what you have to do in your mind and then just going out there and doing it. If I get nervous about something I tend to make mistakes and then that makes me make more mistakes. If I take a second to calm down and refocus I can usually fix that situation.
As GraemeK mentioned doing the practice questions and tests is important. After I have read a chapter I usually do the questions straight away then I come back about a week later and do them again. If I get any of the questions wrong then I know to re-read parts of that chapter and make sure I remember it.
Thanks for the heads up I did not know they existed. I just ordered situational awareness, safety on the ground, weather to fly and human factors, they should make a good addition to the small amount of material I currently have!!
Hi Everyone
I am a new member of RAA and have been for my first couple of lessons. When I got my membership info I read about the 3rd party insurance cover included with the membership but wondered about cover to the aircraft you are flying when you don't own it. I would like to hear from anyone that has taken out non owners liability insurance and how heavy a price tag it has or whether places that hire out aircraft have insurance polices that apply to the person hiring the aircraft. I will certainly talk to the school I am learning with when I am there next but would also like to hear your experiences/opinions in relation to this.