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gary nelson

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    savannah s
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    lake wales, fl
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  1. The pink ribbon is to keep from walking into sharp door corners. IMG_2681.HEIC
  2. IBob, here is a recent photo of one of my doors showing the kit supplied leading edge latch.
  3. IBob, My thinking exactly-very important to get the leading edge pulled in tightly to the fuselage. Thanks again for the idea regarding the tweeking of the taper and radius of the latching rod.
  4. Good idea on the rod tips, I'll think about that.
  5. Hello IBob, Thanks for getting back to me. Yes, I can fabricate them using his experience, particularly regarding the size of the curved lexan on the partial upper panel. But, if someone had sketches, notes, and general advice regarding their experience, it could save one a lot of effort. I enclosed a couple of photos of my attempt at making a 3-point door closure mechanism, the idea was from a photo of a Savannah I saw on Recreational Flying. After a good week of making a lot of parts that didn't fit, I finally got something that works quite well. I decided to keep the kit supplied Dzus type cowl latch in place--you know, belts and suspenders:-)
  6. Has anyone attempted to fabricate the very clever half-door construction posted on YouTube by Chieio twelve years ago(Savannah ICP HD half door - YouTube). He has not responded to my inquiry of about a year ago. I particularly liked that he hinged the door from the forward down tube of the cabin steel frame, such that the door swings out rather than up-seems much safer. If someone had a drawing of his work, in some detail, I would be delighted to purchase it-he has already done all of the heavy lifting. I will be flying my Savannah S on Puddle Jumper amphibious floats in Central Florida, where half doors as Chieio has perfected them would be ideal. I've learned a great deal from this forum and I'm very grateful.
  7. Hey red750, Thank you for demonstrating proper protocol, I will try to be compliant. Gary Hi Bob, Thank you again, you are most kind and an excellent mentor. I get it. Gary
  8. Thanks old man emu, I will eventually learn the protocol. All of the other subassemblies are done and waiting to go to the paint shop along with the fuselage, which is getting close. But, I can't visualize how the flap jig is attached so as to set the angles initially. I guess the wings, flaps, and ailerons need to be mounted before this is even considered. IBob, your description of the SF341 acting merely as a pivot is an elegant and succinct explanation immediately understood-thanks again.
  9. New to this forum and its format. Thank you IBob and Bodie for the motor mount discussion and pics. Gary
  10. This is Gary Nelson located in central Florida. I've been obsessing about how I was going to go about mounting the motor mount to the firewall of my Savannah S. l've been spending way too much time searching for parts and trying to understand the manual. I can't thank you guys enough for the explanations and photos. There are probably several different ways of getting a good fit, but I especially like the looks of Bodie's installation. Thanks to all of you.
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