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Everything posted by PureCaboose

  1. Next time you come by Mittagong, give me a shout. I hanger there, and love coffee...
  2. Everything you need should be in here : https://raaus.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/RAAus-Technical-Manual.pdf and costs are here: https://raaus.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2024/08/Schedule-of-fees-and-charges-V3.1-July-2024-1.pdf
  3. Am I reading it wrong that I have to be the builder under SAAA to do my maintenance?
  4. I am addressing this issue with my J160. It spent a few years outside on the handstand, with a pumpkin head cover, at least. The wings, tailplane, etc., were not covered by the pumpkin head cover; they were powdery to the touch and felt rough. The bugs take time to clean off after flight. Over the last few days, I have been cleaning and cutting with Septone Cut and Prepare (Step 1) and following up with Septone Polish and Protect (Step 2). The areas I have done so far feel smooth and clean; the bug guts wipe off with a little spray cleaner, and water easily beads and runs off. Being a wax, it can be removed for repairs when needed. I did a day of work by hand but struggled to use my arms the next day, so I upgraded to an 18v battery polishing/buffer machine, which is perfect. Once I have done the whole airframe (excluding windows), this will be an every 6 months maintenance task for me, especially as she sits in a hangar now and is no longer exposed to the elements, except when she flies.
  5. I have been looking at the AP version for my Jabiru when I do my avionics upgrade in 2026. Keen to see if anyone has done it, how you like/dislike it etc. Greg
  6. I went for a flight yesterday and mentally noted my calls as I approached the airfield. 1. Call at 10nm stating direction, altitude, time to field and intention to join the circuit. 2. Call 2 2nm after getting AWIS and deciding on the runway to use (I have 2/4 to choose from); advise midfield cross at circuit height to join downwind. 3. Call of turn to base for runway and intention to touch and go. 4. Call for go around due to wind sheer/gust 5. Call at turn to base for runway and intention to touch and go (again). 6. Call at the turn to base for the runway and intention for a full stop. 7. Call clear active runways and taxi via Alpha. Unless some inter-pilot comms are required to slot into the circuit when busy (like a Sunday morning), it is usually the same when we need to accommodate some slower and much faster aircraft.
  7. I am the same; call on joining the circuit and then again when turning base.
  8. Nice amphibian runway you got there. 😀
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