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Everything posted by Jay

  1. Yes .... the weight disadvantage compared to the Rotax will require a few hp but looks good value overall
  2. Sorry that there can't be serious discussion on his forum - the performance of the Millennium project is everything. If I had the dough...
  3. Deskpilot It's all about the Top speed/Cruise/VNE/stall speed suite and aerobatic capable- unmatched with a Rotax antwhere . Probably only for the well heeled, but a pinacle achievement of engineering using research level design coulped with carbon fibre technology to achieve the result Reminds a bit of a Hawker Hurricane in looks Jay, dream on,all it needs is one Powerball
  4. Ian It has been a while - any new news on this phenomenal plane, nothing on their site?
  5. It will simply fall into place with time, focus on other things and relax a little . After all these years I don't think any two landings of mine have been the same.
  6. Commiserations , you are part of an misunderstood brotherhood - yes the J160 is touchy on touchdown - the challenges though is what keeps us young! Welcome from a 65 year of XXXX who still brags about his early days of wisdomless ( ?)flying
  7. A long, long time ago in Africa... A Piper family Cruiser from memory...
  8. 1. Tiger Moth 2. Spittie 3. FA 18
  9. Agree, one of the things to see before you get permanent wings - a once in a lifetime spectacular
  10. Agree, excellent!
  11. Jay


    Thanks Gary - VW conversions generally have their problems relating to TBO and in some cases single ignition ; it seems that smaller Limbach motors are the motor of choice for motor gliders, but the larger motors ( eg the L2400 EFI0) are not considered for standard recr planes. I guess it is a price/ support issue ; if the prices approach the Jab and Rotax, then I understand the situation
  12. My bit - A long, long time ago I was taught NEVER to use full flap ( in this case a C150) as in an emergency you cannot go up , you AlWAYS come down even with full power - so I never use more that half flap on any plane EVER- if I am too high on approach I side slip and hope nobody sees my badly judged approach!
  13. We now use a heated blanket over the cowling overnight with with has proven successful
  14. Jay

    sonex performance

    My final thanks for picking your brain and experience- yes, recreational aircraft are one of the great comprimises beteen safety, reliabilty and performance that we have to make. Certification is not an option due essentially to the fanatical focus on weight. At the end of the day, Jabiru have a reasonable engine product even if the 3.3 overheats in summer and won't start easily in winter ( don't know much about the 2.2), the engineering detail on their airframes is abysmal, and the technical support is cavalier. The Rotax is another story; what a choice we have, the new 0 -200 Continental is still too heavy and expensive Enjoy your Sonex; as you say the ugly ones are the best goers
  15. Jay

    sonex performance

    Thanks again Check in - I would LOVE to know why you discarded the Aerovee option You Sonex must look fugly with those big feet!
  16. Jay

    sonex performance

    Thanks for that Check -In, good, helpful information. Be very intersested in your decision process to go Sonex
  17. StewartJ can you expand on the pricing bit, I am also looking at it - seems lower than I have heard; which donk are you contemplating?
  18. Jay

    sonex performance

    Yes, my view is that it is an adrenalin machine for burning around the district playing fighter pilot , not a commuter - the Sonex site 'Reality Check' is honest in their evaluation. It may pay you to get their CD. From my perpective I don't like fuel in the cockpit, the small Jab's worried me in this respect when I used to fly them
  19. Jay

    sonex performance

    They have both options
  20. Jay


    Can't find any discussion on these - any experience out there ?
  21. Jay

    sonex performance

    Response to Mikek ( welcome forum ) Good points - high speed , aerobatic, low build hours, low cost ( esp with Aerovee) Bad points - safety( fuel tank between you and donk combined with bubble canopy in event of forced landing tipover- esp you have trainer wheel - equals poor escape scenerio) , limited range esp with 3,3 Jab.
  22. Jay


    Mikek will reply sonex forum before the devil gets me
  23. Jay


    G'Day all I,m an ex GA pilot who gave it away for 37 years ago for usual reasons of kids, mortgage, divorce etc, and have been flying recreational from YBUN for 3 years - no plane yet, my home Treasurer says I have to sell the boat first. Considered seriously the Sonnex for aerobatic capability , but in the end good sense prevailed and now considering an Aeropup for putting round the district , but what motor ?????- Jabiru 3.3 vs Rotax - and what about the Aerovee???
  24. Jay


    :cool:G'Day to all I,m an ex GA pilot who flew in my twenties for 8 years, then gave it away for 35 years ( kids, mortgages, divorce etc ) and have been back incognito flyng recreational for 3 years out of YBUN - no plane as yet , have to sell the boat first ( according to my home TreasuRER) , thinking of an Aeropup, but which motor?????
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