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Everything posted by GolfWhiskeyHotel

  1. I took your advice and found a J160 W&B sheet. It seems all may be well. What do you think? And thanks for the solid advice. G W & Balance sheet.pdf
  2. THis is true, The battery in question is LIFEP04 not lipo. The problem lies in normal battery weight 7 - 10 kgs. and the position available is some way behind the seats. That may be too much of a good thing!
  3. 400 grams a foot in front or behind the c of g will make no difference
  4. Battery is so light as to make no difference. I have necessary weight and balance sheets. (Attached here) I can see how to calculate aircraft index units. But I want to know how to calculate backwards so to speak , or how to achieve lower Aircraft Index Units by a known amount. For example ; adding 1 kilo to arm at -3750mm (tail) moves C of G rearwards by ? mm. I'm not a maths expert. I can guess, but I want to KNOW. Cheers weight 1.pdf Weight 2.pdf
  5. Go to MARAP. jump thru required hoops, fly aeroplane
  6. Now my Jabiru / Rotax project is nearing completion there is a matter I would like to correct. That is the C of G. placement. Jabiru say that the forward limit of a (at MTOW) J160 should be 233mm behind the wing L.E. After I had the weight and balance done I see that the C of G is at 217mm behind the L.E. the question is How much weight do I add at the tail end to move the C of G 30mm rearward. I have all the calculation values at hand , I just dont know how to calculate the value. Weight 2.pdf weight 1.pdf
  7. I'm going to be taking a J230 to Caboolture from Melbourne as soon as weather permits. Can anyone suggest a suitable route? Stops for Mogas would be good but not critical. Thanks, Geoff
  8. A friend has asked me to sell a 3 Blade pusher prop, with hub , unused, The box says it came from Ukr. But the owner died before fitting it. He's looking for $ 1500 or thereabouts. I have it here at home , so I can answer any questions. Can post anywhere, Cheers. G
  9. I have a rotax (aviasport ) tacho that reads just fine up to 3000 rpm then stops going any higher. Any ideas? Anyone one know of any new stock in OZ?- 57mm. Thanks G
  10. So Far So Good IMG_5721.MOV
  11. Thanks everyone. I have a couple of numbers to work with. Although I would have thought that RAA would have known who has the Rotax powered Jabiru's. The aircraft has an "Experimental" sticker on the side. I stuck the decals on in anticipation of E reg. When I try to remove them the paint comes off!!!
  12. Thanks for the input Niel. I'd be very grateful for any leads.

    Cheers ,


    1. Neil_S


      Hi Geoff,


      My friend with the Jab160 who said he knew of some Rotax-powered Jabs is Dave Henty-Wilson.

      His number is 0411 066135




  13. RE: Rotax/Jabiru 160C Well, things have moved along. The aircraft is finished and I'm on the road to MARAP. Unfortunately there is no other way. The weight and balance was done today. Empty weight came out a couple of kilos over the original 302, and the C of G is in the correct range. So things progress. AS the 160c is a Certified aircraft it has to follow the MARAP path. ( I really dont understand "Certified' and LSA, Why Certified? I can't follow it at all) I wish it were otherwise. I had no idea that the 160C was particularly singled out for this. RAA has been helpful so far. But, I WILL need examples of safe operation of a Rotax Powered Jabiru 160 There must be a couple around. Please raise your hand.
  14. AH , OK , Then I will go down the E reg road. Thanks for the information.
  15. I have just about finished fitting a Rotax to a J160. The RAA reg. Form (Tech form 14) requires that I identify other aircraft that have had a similar conversion. Quote"I have supporting documentation such as independent engineering advice or history of safe operation from elsewhere." Can or will anyone that has such a modification please let me know in the form of a statement that they have had X hours of safe operation? There is no liability attached to such a statement. Any information from anyone having gone through the registration of such a modification would be a great help, Thanks, Geoff Higgins.
  16. Looking for an engine mount or a person able to make one for me. In Victoria , Rotax 912 uls to Jab 160. Brumby Aircraft have made some but only onsite in NSW and are unable to help. Drawing or Photos would be very helpful if I have to do it myself. Thanks G.
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