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Everything posted by Kiwi

  1. I just google the piper external plug and got some interesting results, No, you can't charge the battery via the external plug, the master switch must he on for external power to make it to the battery. So yes, if you are testing out new avionics (the master is going to be on), it should work. Here is an interesting link about it. https://piperowner.org/talk/discussion/154730/external-power ps, I own a PA-28 140.
  2. I think you will find that the piper external plug does not send power to the battery, you can not charge the battery through it. It only goes to the starter relay for jump starting.
  3. Try a right angle mag wheel tyre valve, just make sure you remove the valve core.
  4. I still hear the screaming when I'm solo... maybe I should unplug the headsets.
  5. It didn't fail. Hard to start, heaps of smoke and wouldn't rev. I connected a tank with 50-1 and drained his carbs and it ran fine. I've owned my Drifter with a inverted rotax for 23 years, and flown over 1200 hours in it, I'm happy with what I know about 2 stroke engines.
  6. Go try 40-1 in your aircraft and let us know how it went. Someone smarter than me explained it like this. "Aside from too much smoke and a loss of power since the oil isn't combustible like the fuel, the more serious downside is it can cause a lean mixture due to the fact that more oil added than recommended or that the carb is jetted for makes the fuel more viscous (thicker) and less of it will flow through fuel jets in the carb compared to air intake, and the result is you seize it, defeating the purpose of adding more oil which was likely done to improve lubrication to try and avoid the exact thing too much oil ends up causing, a seized top end."
  7. I know a bloke that though "if 50 to 1 is good, 40 to 1 must be better" As you can guess, it wasn't. The two-stroke endorsement should stay.
  8. Any thing that helps people know that I'm in the circuit is a good thing, especially when flight schools use our airfield as a turning point. (That's me in the Drifter)
  9. American Samoa did the same thing in 2009.
  10. Started raining at home and had to stop mowing... So sitting in the cherokee in the hangar with tablet on, SkyEcho on, no clicking. Master and intercom on, clicking is there. Intercom off, no clicking. Cheap headsets make no difference. Move the skyecho down the back of the plane, no clicking. Definitely coming through the intercom.
  11. Heck Field floods pretty easy, did that have anything to do with the rotting trailing edge?
  12. Yes, I get the same clicking sound in my Cherokee, but no interference in the Rans S6S or the Drifter. The funny thing is that if I touch the instrument panel above the intercom it goes away (until I move my hand). This is with my Lightspeed headset, I haven't checked if I get the interference with the normal headsets.
  13. Have you tried shopping around at different flight schools? I was asked what I wanted out of it besides the normal circuits, stalls and under the hood. The ground school part really showed me how much I'd forgotten on the theory side.
  14. If you want to find out if you have ADSB out working in your aircraft, go onto the Flightaware app while flying with your transponder on. If it is set up properly it will show.
  15. Is this the "Lynfield" Drifter?
  16. I remember seeing a Drifter that one carb fell off on start up.
  17. The wife's family has had many English bull terriers over the years, very loyal dogs and she has her heart set on one after the loss of our Staffy.
  18. Mile high club flight?
  19. By the looks of things it was a cloned Facebook profile of a well known breeder. The first question he asked the wife was "where do you live" (Queensland) then he said he was in Sydney and gave a address near Camden, asked for our full details and a $250 deposit..... he went quite when we said we had a friend who lived close by and they could go and look at the pup for us.
  20. Thanks but I'm 99% sure it's a scam. Thanks for offering to help. Kiwi.
  21. The wife is looking at a puppy from a person at Elderslie in NSW, and with all the scams on Facebook we were wondering if someone nearby could go and check that the person and puppy are real. Not something that I would expect someone to drive 2 hours for. But thanks for the reply.
  22. Asking for a favour from someone living near Camden, not aviation related. Kiwi
  23. Mine doesn't work, it cant get to 88 mph.
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