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Everything posted by Kiwi

  1. My Drifter was built in October 1990, Wayne Fisher fitted the next set of skins in February 2000 (at 684 airframe hours) I purchased the Drifter in October 2001 at 758 hours and the Drifter now has 1585 hours on it. I UV treated the skins three times a year and it stays in a dark hanger when not in use. If you look after your Drifter, it will look after you. Kiwi ps any news Merc?
  2. Thats inside the Flying Tigers hanger at Boonah. My sails were 10 years old and i decided to re paint the frame while the wings were off. It should be back together in about 3 weeks. Kiwi
  3. Not related to this question, but how about posting some photos of your new Fisher special. (I saw some photos of her at Wayne’s on Saturday) Kiwi.
  4. Got you intercom (interface) back yet ? The only thing that is working on my drifter is my intercom!
  5. As "cherk" just stated, We had a jab with the same symptoms as yours and all that was wrong was the equalizer tube between the carb and the air box had been knocked off. Kiwi
  6. We finally have our headset back from Mendelssohns (over 7 weeks), how did you go with your faulty interface. Kiwi
  7. A Drifter Driver from Boonah had to send one of his headsets back to Mendelssohn when It stopped working after one week. That was almost five weeks ago. Another Drifter at Boonah has had no problem (yet) Kiwi.
  8. Just to correct my last post, the skydart is 10-1404 (I never noticed the “1") 10-0404 is a thruster. (i just checked the register) Kiwi
  9. In our hangar we have Skydart 10-0404 and Drifter 25-0404, both on with there original registration and both(i think) still current. Just send in the rego slip and re register the scout. Kiwi
  10. A thermal is just rising air, I have been in thermals that are so strong that to maintain a constant height (Amberley was active) I pulled the throttle to idle, pushed the stick forward and managed 70 kts in a 503 drifter. Don’t forget stick =speed, throttle = height lost or gained (oop’s wrong tread) kiwi
  11. No Date has yet been set on ELT/EPIRB. (I spoke to Lee 3 weeks ago) The RAAus will let us all know well before we need to have them. Kiwi
  12. Every one of my landings, in the last 880 hours (probably more) has been a glide approach, so please explain to me how “power controls airspeed” ? Kiwi.
  13. I’m one of the drifter drivers. Leaving Boonah (south east QLD) on Sunday the 28th of March. This is our planed track down Two night at a private strip west of Gunnedah then on to Narromine for one night. (we have spent the last nine Easter’s there) then one night at Hillston, and on to Temora. Our return track should be (one night at each of the following) Yarrawonga, Swan Hill, Hay, Lake Cargelligo, Gilgrandra then two nights at a private strip west of Gunnedah and then on to Boonah. We plan to be away for two weeks. Ps myself and seven others went to the 2005 Raglan flyin via Longreach ! (3 drifters, lightwing, jab & savannah) kiwi
  14. From Boonah 3 Drifters, 1 Sanannah, 1 Bush Caddie, 1 JabTaildrager & 1 CT that's just the ones that i know about. kiwi
  15. I just copied this from John McKeown blog site www.ragandtubeaviator.blogspot.com/ kiwi. Hi all, A couple of points have come up from the February Board Meeting that need Vigilance by our members. ADSB - This is back on the agenda. The upper air program has been implemented with an operational date of 2013. There is extremely strong pressure from the airlines to the authorities to implement ADSB now into the lower airspace. This will affect ALL of us. We must be very vigilant. Airport Trigger Points. - Also from the airlines and CASA as a "safety issue". There are moves to have trigger points related to RPT movements into small airports. What this means is that when a certain airport has an RPT movement or volume ratio that reaches the "Trigger" point, that airport and the airspace around it, will be declared Class D airspace. This trigger point is rumored to be very low. This will exclude all our members who do not have a PPL license from the airport and the airspace around it. Once again we need vigilance from the membership. ELT'S - There has been some concern about the mandatory requirement to carry 406 ELT'S from this March. I questioned Jim Coyne from CASA about this and his reply was that the CAO (Civil Aviation Order) mandating this requirement still has not been issued, and that after it is issued the standard twelve months grace period for compliance will apply. So in simple terms there is no mandatory requirement to carry 406 ELT's this year. Note. Be aware that it is now illegal to activate the old 121.5 MHz units. Rego. Stickers. - There is also some confusion about this requirement. Last year the board agreed to the requirement to have registration stickers. The reason for this is it had been found that there were many reported cases of unregistered aircraft flying. In most cases these were unintentional, but placed the owner at great risk not only from the regulator, but also from ligation should there be an accident or incident. In fact in recent years there were cases of aircraft judged to win prizes at Natfly, that were later disqualified because they were found to be unintentionally unregistered. It is hoped that the sticker will be a reminder to those, who for one reason or other, have forgotten to re-register their aircraft, and to provide a peer pressure means to encourage those who want to "free load" on our association to re-register. There was no intention to have an AN, and this will be removed. The requirement is to have a sticker that is visible from outside the aircraft only. You can put the sticker wherever you choose, but it would be preferable to be on the left hand side of the aircraft. This is intended to be in its flying condition, so if an aircraft has covers at night that is OK. John McK
  16. Its ok skyspud, everybody knows that Drifter pilots only think at 50 knots. Kiwi
  17. Welcome EddieO, By the look of your flag you will need a lot of fuel onboard if you ever plan to visit in a Drifter!
  18. I shout “clear prop maybe" (recoil starter on a inverted 582)
  19. Glad you signed in, we need more “real” pilots on this site !
  20. Kiwi

    Drifter Bits

    I converted my 503 drifter to a 582 in June this year there are a lot of little things that you need to change to make it work. If you are SE Queensland based it will be easer for me to show you what I have done than for me type the process out on a computer. Or just phone me on 0438250404 (after hours on week days please) Kiwi
  21. John has two blog sites, one is for Serious posts and information for all R A Aus members, this site is Rag and Tube Aviator John’s other blog site The Flying Tigers Recreational Aviation Club ( in his own words) “ is a lighthearted Blog Site for members of the Flying Tigers Ultralight Club.” Kiwi
  22. For the full report, read John’s blog site. Rag and Tube Aviator
  23. Kiwi


    I take it that you use to fly out of Hoxton Park. I used to fly with McIntyre aviation in the late 90's, they were trying to close it down back then.
  24. If you want my opinion or even if you don’t, I’m against mandatory radios. However, if you fly at a busy airfield, it is good airmanship to have and use a radio, (I have 2 in my Drifter) but they should never be relied on. On a side note, at my airfield you can have 4 to 5 gliders as well as 4 to 5 powered aircraft in the circuit at one time. If every pilot calls Taxing, Lining up, Crosswind, Downwind, Base, Final and Clear of Runway, They become as good as useless. So how about using some commonsense, If you are near to or from a active airfield it is Good Airmanship to have and to use a radio. But please don’t hog the airways as there are only 4 calls that must be made. * When the aircraft enters the "vicinity of an aerodrome" * Immediately before joining the circuit pattern or, in the case of a straight-in approach, at least 5 NM from the threshold of the runway * Immediately before, or during, taxiing * Immediately before entering a runway. <www.casa.gov.au/scripts/nc.dll?WCMS:STANDARD::pc=PC_90471> Kiwi.
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