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Everything posted by Kiwi

  1. From rotaxowners.. https://www.rotax-owner.com/en/912-914-technical-questions/5448-exhaust-springs-912-uls
  2. A mate used sardine cans under the carbs with drain tubes braised on to it. Don't forget they also act as heat shields.
  3. No change at all. The plane is on autopilot and the pilots are chatting up the hostess....
  4. Kiwi

    What`s Happening???

    Got a quick flight in this afternoon, Thanks to Martin for the photos.
  5. Flew the 10 nm to the farm this morning to pick up some mozzarella cheese. Looks like the wife had one or two other items she wanted. Lucky I didn't take the Drifter.
  6. Yes just a sticker held on with Bluetac...
  7. I understood what you meant and agree. Years ago I had a accident and people were saying I was hungover, only had lemonade the night before. People talking crap instead of just asking someone who new what happened first hand.
  8. It is/was part of the test fight requirements.
  9. Had a Fisher special (full acrobatic model) up to 90 knots a couple of times during test flights, it had the symmetrical wing. Wayne said to put 82 knots as VNE but you are good to go 90 knots + in good conditions.
  10. I'd go for "d" PART 1 — DIRECTION – HOME CONFINEMENT, MOVEMENT AND GATHERING This direction applies from 11:59 pm on 2 April 2020 until the end of the declared public health emergency, unless it is revoked or replaced. Home Confinement requirements in Queensland A person who resides in Queensland must not leave their principal place of residence except for, and only to the extent reasonably necessary to accomplish, the following permitted purposes: to obtain food or other essential goods or services; to obtain medical treatment or other health care services; to engage in physical exercise; to perform work or volunteering, or carry out or conduct an essential business, activity or undertaking, and the work, business activity or undertaking to be performed is of a nature that cannot reasonably be performed from the person’s principal place of residence;
  11. All good at 80 knots, the airflow actually pushes towards the instruments. Had heaps of bugs on final, had to clean the dead ones off after landing....
  12. My Drifter is a certified wire braced, the photo is of the original owners manual, so 80 knots for mine.
  13. Both wrong, 80 knots but you would need a fair bit of nose down and power on.
  14. L Both wrong, 80 knots but you would need a fair bit of nose down and power on..
  15. Obviously you have never used Bluetac to hold bits together on a aircraft before, just as good as duct tape and welding wire.
  16. The sticker says just under 180 knots but it's held on with Bluetac so should be good for 82 knots. I'll go for a fly later and try it later.
  17. Was straight and level :smile:o
  18. Don't know where the first quote came from..........
  19. So are you trying to tell me that under the Queensland directive section 6 e subject to section 9 I can legally drive a car but not my aircraft? Can I ride my motorbike? What about the tractor?(if registered) You keep stating that I'm using a loophole. I'm travelling from my private residence to another private residence. I'm going direct and not stopping anywhere else. NOT A LOOPHOLE.
  20. How about a cut and paste of of the Victorian ban on flying you keep talking about?
  21. How about you stop giving incorrect information. In Queensland I can legally fly from my private residence to another private residence as long as I adhere to the Queensland directive. I've posted the link before and here it is again.... Home Confinement, Movement and Gathering Direction | Queensland Health It's NOT a loophole, it is as per the directive.
  22. Couldn't find anything about flying, want to cut and paste the section for us.
  23. I followed all of the requirements as per the Queensland directive. Home Confinement requirements in Queensland A person who resides in Queensland must not leave their principal place of residence except for, and only to the extent reasonably necessary to accomplish, the following permitted purposes: e. to visit another person’s residence in accordance with paragraph 9; Receiving up to 2 visitors at a residence Subject to paragraphs 10 to 12, a person who is an owner, resident, tenant, occupier, temporary occupier or person in control of a residence may allow up to two visitors who are not ordinarily members of the person’s household. Examples of visitors – Family members and close friends https://www.health.qld.gov.au/system-governance/legislation/cho-public-health-directions-under-expanded-public-health-act-powers/home-confinement-movement-gathering-direction
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