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Everything posted by DarkSarcasm

  1. I had some spare time today so called a couple of places nearby about the cost of a class 2 medical. One place was $209, the other two were $165 and $161. Are these good prices for a class 2 medical or should I keep calling around? I'd like some idea before I keep calling in case these are actually good prices for it - save my time and phonebills Or does anyone know of a place in Melbourne (city or eastern suburbs) that does them for a good price?
  2. Just out of curiosity Bill, what's the name of the case? (I'd like to read the judgment tis all)
  3. Mailed my SPL application to CASA today...now just to wait and see how long it takes them to lose it
  4. Ah, good, I'm glad you managed to avoid being condescending there i_dunno
  5. I'm just quoting the legislation (which I assume probably knows what it's talking about) Section 3 of the Civil Aviation Act 1988 states: "Contracting State" means a foreign country that is a party to the Chicago Convention. If you don't believe me, click the link and scroll down to the definition :) As for it not being logical, perhaps they just didn't expect foreign registered ultralights to be an issue so didn't worry about it. Are there that many foreign ultralights flying around here?
  6. I disagree with that I'm afraid. The definition in s3 states that "Contracting State" means a foreign country that is a party to the Chicago Convention." It does not say "a country that is a party to the Chicago Convention", it specifcally includes the word foreign which implies that Australia is not included.
  7. This one refers to aircraft belonging to or employed in the service of the Crown (i.e the Commonwealth). Since privately owned aircraft neither belong to nor are employed in the service of the Crown, then this exemption wouldn't apply. This one is about aircraft of a 'Contracting State'. A Contracting State is defined in Section 3 of the Civil Aviation Act -"Contracting State" means a foreign country that is a party to the Chicago Convention." So this excemption wouldn't apply either as it only applies to aircraft of foreign countries that are a party to the Convention. So the overall answer to your question, from my interpretation of the Regs, is no.
  8. Thanks Dazza :) Right now though I do sort of feel that I'll be forever stuck in this limbo of one hour to go! My problem is that I tend to not perform as well as I should during exams, which I think might be affecting this (and it's only the pre-check, so I'm starting to worry how I'll react to the real thing!) I used to do music exams and my teacher used to say that I should've gotten a whole grade higher than I did simply because of my nerves. i_dunno However in other news I did find out what I need to do for the SPL application so I'll get that done this week. Luckily I work in the right place (law firm) to get the ridiculous amount of documents certified!
  9. Well I did get to fly. However I was a bit rusty, flew like crap and (as I feared I might, with my luck) have to do another hour before I can go for my test
  10. We fly for the same reason men do, because we love it.
  11. I live with my parents :big_grin: I'm keeping all the receipts so one day I can sit in the middle of a pile of them (a la Scrooge McDuck but without the money...)
  12. As a interim measure Win, use the 'slide fingers out' thing to zoom (slide fingers diagonally out from centre to corners - it's in the manual) which zooms in the internet. Once you zoom in the site thinks for a minute then resizes so you don't need to scroll to the side to read the posts, they just become really loooong :)
  13. Ok, I'm just having a look at the forms from CASA and now I'm hideously confused. Half the things seem to go in circles. For example, the ASIC from says: "CASA will only issue an ASIC to a pilot if they have a current medical certificate, or CASA has an application for the initial issue or renewal of a medical certificate." So I need a medical to get an ASIC. But to get a medical I need an ARN. I was under the impression that you applied for the ARN with the SPL application, and applied for the ASIC at the same time. So do I apply for everything at once (SPL, ASIC, ARN) then get the medical when I get the ARN, tell CASA I've got the medical then they send me the SPL and ASIC or what? Plus this bit confused me: "CASA will only issue an ASIC to a pilot if they need to fly to or from a security designated airport that has regular public transport operations." and "You must have an operational need to have an ASIC. This includes having a valid flight crew licence, a current medical certificate, and a need to fly into or from a security controlled airport that has regular public transport operations." So it sounds like you'll get an ASIC only if you're going to be flying to or from those airports. But the SPL form says: "If you do not have a current ASIC/AVID, you MUST submit an ASIC or AVID application form attached to this application." So it seems that you get an ASIC as part of the SPL even though you may not be flying into/out of those particular airports. Sounds slightly indescisive really... i_dunno
  14. No, we do have lawyers. We don't, however, have Attorneys :)
  15. See, the thing I'm wondering is, for the SPL application you either have to attach a certified copy of an ASIC you already have, or apply for one with the application. Which presumably means that if I decided to get one through RA-Aus I'd have to wait for it to be processed and arrive before I can send in the SPL application. Which do you think would be quicker, getting the ASIC through RA-Aus then applying for the SPL (hopefully meaning that the processing time for the SPL would be quicker than if I applied for an ASIC through CASA), or apply for it all at once from CASA?
  16. It's a double degree, so it means that I'm completing two degrees at the same time, and will end up with a Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Law. Arts doesn't really have much to do with Art though, it's a generalist degree where you can major in stuff like history, archaeology, classics, literature, sociology...etc. I've majored in history with a sub-major in international relations. But yeah, I'm going to become a lawyer rather than following something on the Arts degree side of things :) Does that mean you're going to vote for me? :big_grin:
  17. Thanks for the replies all. Few questions: Do I need a medical before I can put the SPL application in? Would it just be easier to get an ASIC from CASA with the SPL? Or do I apply for the SPL (which includes an application for ASIC and ARN I think?) and then once that comes through I get the medical? Basically, what's the order I should be doing things in?
  18. Thank you Jim, I appreciate it :)
  19. And an ASIC which is kinda pricey too isn't it?
  20. When I (eventually) do this cert test and (hopefully) pass, I'm planning to start navs pretty soon after. I'm planning to move to GA for navs. I figure that I'd be converting to PPL straight after I got my XC endo, so I may as well save time and do GA now and automatically get my XC endo when I get my PPL. Anyways, my question is: do I need a SPL to start the conversion onto Warriors? At what point do you need to have the SPL? I'm considering applying for it in the next week or so, then it'll be processing while I'm finishing this bit (at this rate, I'd get the SPL back before I get to do this test! ) So, d'u reckon this plan to apply for my SPL now/soonish is a good idea or a waste of time/money?
  21. Cheers Dazza :) (as a side note, it's kinda odd seeing people here use my real name )
  22. Thanks all :) I posted this thread last night simply cos I wanted to moan, so thanks for the nice replies! I'm slightly bitter today, it's really nice weather outside. I know stuff like this happens with aviation, that aircraft need servicing (duh) it's just so frustrating because I have just ONE hour left to do. I have actually cried, I'm that annoyed. Sad, isn't it? i_dunno I've got a booking for next Saturday and, if that falls through, the Saturday after. Everyone, please help me and pray for good weather and a good plane!
  23. If I were a superstitious person, I'd probably quit flying. I seriously think that there is something out there that doesn't want me to get my cert. For the past 3 weeks I've been trying to do my pre-licence check. First week: no flying because of bad weather (but did do theory part) Second week: some flying but not all because of throttle acting up This weekend: plane I was booked in is in for service tomorrow I am seriously starting to despair that I'm never going to get there, I just need ONE more hour to get this pre-licence check done, but things seem to be against me. I half feel like I'll still be here in another 5 weeks, still not having done my test. I'm so close, it's so frustrating and it's just killing me
  24. Hi all, I'm running for election to the RA-Aus Board as Victorian Representative. A little more about me and what I'm hoping to achieve - My name is Jennifer Barry. (No my parents didn't name me Darky! ) I currently fly a Jabiru J160 out of Lilydale Airport and have experience flying an Evektor SportStar and Skyfox Gazelle. I am keen to gain experience on as many different types of aircraft as possible including flying a trike and a gyrocopter in the near future. If elected to the RA-Aus Board I will bring a new perspective, the perspective of a younger member. RA-Aus is a constantly evolving organisation and it is up to the Board to lead that evolution and represent the changing needs and views of the members. Part of this evolution is recruiting and supporting younger members and it is important that the Board reflect this. However, it is equally important to not neglect the experience and wisdom of the older members. A mix of wisdom and youthful enthusiasm working together on the Board will benefit every member of RA-Aus. I am in my final year of an Arts/Law degree and believe that the skills I have obtained from these degrees will aid me to effectively represent the members of RA-Aus. The purpose of an elected representative is to represent the views of the members. A Board where the representatives act only for themselves causes nothing but harm to the organisation that they claim to represent. The Board should represent the views of the members and work together for the future of the organisation and, if elected, I intend to do so. We all share a passion for aviation. I intend to support that passion by representing the wishes of the members as a Board member and by raising awareness of RA-Aus in the wider community, to encourage the growth and evolution of this organisation. We all fly for fun and I intend to work to keep that as the central focus of RA-Aus. I hope that those of you on these forums who are Victorians will support me and vote for me Spread the word, phone your pilot friends, tell people at your airfield/club, every bit of support helps!
  25. Thanks for all the well wishes, I just hope there are lots of people from Victoria reading this thread too :) I liked it a lot dazza, it was very nice to fly. It was quite different for me, it was the first time I'd flown a low wing aircraft. Thanks CFI, I hope I get the opportunity too :) baha, no! It's just that I wear them pretty much all the time when I'm flying so it just seems that way from those photos I actually don't wear sunnies much at all except when I'm flying/driving :)
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