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Everything posted by DarkSarcasm

  1. Hi all, I'm running for election to the RA-Aus Board as Victorian Representative. A little more about me and what I'm hoping to achieve - My name is Jennifer Barry. (No my parents didn't name me Darky! ) I currently fly a Jabiru J160 out of Lilydale Airport and have experience flying an Evektor SportStar and Skyfox Gazelle. I am keen to gain experience on as many different types of aircraft as possible including flying a trike and a gyrocopter in the near future. If elected to the RA-Aus Board I will bring a new perspective, the perspective of a younger member. RA-Aus is a constantly evolving organisation and it is up to the Board to lead that evolution and represent the changing needs and views of the members. Part of this evolution is recruiting and supporting younger members and it is important that the Board reflect this. However, it is equally important to not neglect the experience and wisdom of the older members. A mix of wisdom and youthful enthusiasm working together on the Board will benefit every member of RA-Aus. I am in my final year of an Arts/Law degree and believe that the skills I have obtained from these degrees will aid me to effectively represent the members of RA-Aus. The purpose of an elected representative is to represent the views of the members. A Board where the representatives act only for themselves causes nothing but harm to the organisation that they claim to represent. The Board should represent the views of the members and work together for the future of the organisation and, if elected, I intend to do so. We all share a passion for aviation. I intend to support that passion by representing the wishes of the members as a Board member and by raising awareness of RA-Aus in the wider community, to encourage the growth and evolution of this organisation. We all fly for fun and I intend to work to keep that as the central focus of RA-Aus. I hope that those of you on these forums who are Victorians will support me and vote for me :) Spread the word, phone your pilot friends, tell people at your airfield/club, every bit of support helps! [ATTACH]11353.vB[/ATTACH]
  2. The advice I was given for my BAK by my FI was "RTFQ"
  3. Hey Bolero Yes I'm still here As turbo said, I decided against buying a flight sim, I thought about it and decided that I'd quickly get frustrated at the lack of realism compared to, well, the real thing! Not to mention, it seems that to get it run the way I'd like (smooth as) I'd need much better specs than my laptop has. Thanks for the advice though :)
  4. I've considered that once or twice, after some of the stupider things I've said Should be another sticky, like the NES. baha, love motz's reply
  5. ahahahaha, no, it seems I need to date an instructor who owns an aircraft
  6. well done flighty!! I am massively massively jealous, my pre-licence check got cancelled again today because of weather, so I am very jealous that the weather is cooperating for you. But I am not far behind (I hope) Perhaps it would be speedier if I found a young instructor with an aircraft to date, do you know anyone? ;)
  7. Flighty, I am jealous! Right now I'm still hoping and praying that the weather will cooperate this weekend and let me finish my pre-licence check....I just need it to be nice for one hour, sigh, but right now it isn't looking too promising. By the time I actually get to do this pre-licence check I probably will've forgotten how to fly so I'll mess it up and have to do more hours before my test. So close and yet so far....I hate winter!!
  8. ahahaha, no it's not because of that I was just curious because it's likely I'll be going to the UK once a year or so, so I was just curious about how difficult it would be to hold a PPL over there...figured it might make it a bit easier to fly over there. And it sounds like it's fine to fly on an Australian PPL over there so I won't need to worry anyway. However this is all just vague planning, I don't even have an Australian PPL yet
  9. Does anyone know anything about UK PPLs? I had a look at the UK Civil Aviation Authority website but couldn't find anything about training/licencing at all (the website is absolutely atricious) Basically, I'm curious to find out, if you hold an Australian PPL, what the requirements are to also hold a UK PPL and whether you can hold both simultaneously. I'm guessing that you can but I just wanted to find out for sure. Does anyone know or know the right website to point me in the right direction?
  10. According to the original post, the seller advertised Total Time (TT) not 'Total Time since Overhaul' which is where the issue arises. As I stated, s56 also mentions conduct which is likely to mislead or deceive. The test for this is the 'reasonable person' (who I like to call Bob) - I imagine you've heard of him before? Basically, would a 'reasonable person' (Bob) reading the seller's advert, take the advertised 'total time' to mean 'total time in service' or 'total time since overhaul?'. Personally, I think it is easily arguable that Bob would take Total Time (TT), with no other qualifications in the ad (such as 'just overhauled' or similar) to mean Total Time in Service. So Bob is likely to be misled or deceived by the ad. I do actually have some idea of what I'm talking about, terrifying isn't it.
  11. Possibly? It's kinda hard to tell isn't it
  12. I'm a bit dubious about these....I tend to think that when something has been designed to do too many things, it often ends up doing all of them badly. When it comes to flying, I tend to feel that I'd prefer to be doing it in something that's been designed solely for flying... But that could just be me
  13. What am I not to do neil? :confused:
  14. Were you there that day too Graeme? The instructors seemed to be enjoying themselves T_O_M, out of curiosity, what is the film about? (unless it is a secret ;))
  15. What I don't understand is, and feel free to correct me, how the criminal law of Australia applies to this at all. This thread started as a discussion about how the seller was potentially misrepresenting the engine time in his advertisement. When I read the first post, my mind went to trade practices and misrepresentation in advertising. As I said before, as the seller is an individual, the Fair Trading Act would apply and he is possibly in contravention of s56 (if in SA). Section 56 states that a person shall not, in trade or commerce (i.e. selling), engage in conduct which is misleading or deceptive or likely to mislead or deceive. Even if he was entitled to advertise it as time since engine overhaul, the fact that he did not appear to specifically state this in his ad, that it was from engine overhaul rather than TTIS, can be argued to be potentially misleading or deceptive and can still arguably come under the section. While I haven't read the Crimes Act 1914 (Cth) for a couple of years and haven't as yet studied the Civil Aviation Act 1988 in detail, I am still unsure how criminal law applies to this situation. I am, however, keen to learn if you'd like to explain it to me Bill (preferably with section numbers and Acts if possible).
  16. Hey dazza :) Well I passed the BAK on saturday, so it's all good. I did some circuit revision on Sunday, focusing on emergencies. Next Sunday we're going to do a pre-licence check and if that all goes well, I'll be booking in with the CFI for my test :) *bounces* Then I'm planning to keep the ball rolling and start navs fairly soon after I get my cert.
  17. Unless the person advertising is a Corporation, then the TPA wouldn't apply. Instead, as he's located in SA (I'm guessing?) the Fair Trading Act 1987 (SA) would be the relevant one. Simple solution is this: Section 56(1) - A person must not, in trade or commerce, engage in conduct that is misleading or deceptive or is likely to mislead or deceive. However, the guy selling it might be able to raise a defence under s88 that the contravention of s56 was due to a reasonable mistake or reasonable reliance on information supplied by another person. Perhaps it should be pointed out that he is potentially in contravention of the Fair Trading Act and that he should change his ad.
  18. Thanks Craig :) I installed it last night and tried it at my lesson today. The result - So I think I'd recommend this app if anyone else wants to do the same thing :)
  19. Just hijacking this thread slightly...although still on topic I think that you can get a program/setting for a GPS which tracks your path - it draws a line on the map where you've been which you can save to your computer (hopefully this explanation makes sense!) My question is - can you get an app for android that does the same for your phone? If you have your phone in the aircraft with you, can you use an app to track your flightpath and show on the map where you've been? Or am I am completely wrong and you can't do this at all? (Please don't tell me about the 'amazing iPhone app you can get to do that', otherwise I might be tempted to :Annie:)
  20. Personally, unless you want to use the Telstra network (NextG), I'd recommend against buying a Telstra Desire. 1. It's more expensive, I think it's $799 and, as I said, I saved about $180 or so by buying it overseas. 2. It is Telstra branded and comes loaded with some Telstra bloatware. With regard to the network thing, I'm not sure how that works, however there is a bit more info here which might help you with that: HTC Desire - Models and Networks
  21. This is the ad:
  22. But I'm not with Telstra, so presumably I wouldn't be using NextG anyway?
  23. Yo TT, Unlocked, bought outright from the UK (Smartphones, HTC, Sony Ericsson, Blackberry, Nokia, Brodit, HP iPAQ, Palm - Clove Technology). Cost me $620 including shipping rather than $799 buying it from Aus or eBay. Posted on the 9th, should arrive sometime next week :)
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