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Everything posted by DarkSarcasm

  1. I've found that there are some on the Android Marketplace but haven't gotten any of them yet since I haven't got the phone yet. A few related sites I've found: Aviator Android Apps | Ultimate guide to aviation apps for Android devices aviation - Cyrket Android Market FlightPanel Once I get the phone and look into it more I should be able to tell you a bit more :)
  2. You'll only be able to find the Desire at a Telstra shop, they've got exclusive rights to them at the moment (unless you do what I did and buy one unlocked from overseas). However, on the other hand, being Telstra, you may well have an experience like I did when I played with one at the Telstra shop where all the employees stood round chatting to each other and completely ignored me (and therefore I didn't have to deal with people trying to actually sell me the phone )
  3. I'll be able to give you a review on the Desire once it arrives in the mail :big_grin: One thing to consider though is that the Desire uses the Android operating system, the other two you've listed use Windows. You might want to go find one of each in a shop and test which operating system you like better. I found that I didn't really like the windows system so discounted those phones straight away when looking (not saying it'll be the same for you, but it's something to consider if you haven't already)
  4. pahahaha nice one
  5. When that idea was proposed I pm'd StudentBiggles who chatted to Ian and I'm not sure what happened after that. Maybe the Boss could tell us if anything did actually happen? But yeah, personally, I've got no idea what was going on with that although we could try to restart the idea and have them done before spring/summer starts?
  6. FWIW, this is what I do: In the circuit, I have my hand on the throttle all the time (except when moving flaps, carby heat and such). When out in the training area, once established in the intial departure climb (say 2000ft+) I take my hand off the throttle and rest it on my leg (not exactly far away) and when in the training area have my hand on either the throttle or my leg depending on what I'm doing (i.e. in cruise, hand not on throttle, doing things, hand on throttle). Unfortunately for me, my arm isn't long enough to rest my elbow on the window and have my hand on the throttle, otherwise I'd do that (although if anyone has a way for short people to manage that, I'm all ears). I'm not up to navs yet but I imagine I'd be doing the same as in the training area.
  7. *snicker* :thumb_up:
  8. *snicker*
  9. Seriously Tomo, in the nicest possible way, just give up, there's no way I'm getting an iPhone :)
  10. Ooooh, the Apple fans are getting defensive! :stirring pot:
  11. Tony, I've been reading the same reviews, all the reviews seem to be absolutely raving about it (which is unusual for technology reviews really, there's usually something to complain about) I was going to wait until next year to get a new phone, but the reviews for this one just seem so good I might be tempted to get one sooner... Tomo, don't even bother trying I've got no intention of becoming one of Steve Jobs' zombies...sorry, did I say zombies? I meant customers
  12. Is this a good time to point out that I am not an Apple fangirl and am intending to avoid getting an Apple product if possible? :big_grin:
  13. I'm just interested to see what sort of stuff is available for Android, I know there's lots for iPhone. Stuff like weather and things that would help on navs I guess...mainly useful stuff, but basically just wondering what is around for Android :)
  14. Two questions: 1. Does anyone have an HTC Desire phone? If yes, what do you think of it? 2. Are there many (any?) aviation apps available for Android phones? I was going to wait until next year to get a new phone, but right now it looks like I might be giving in early...
  15. Well, did the RT and HF tests over the weekend. :) RT was pretty easy, pretty much everything I knew from just picking it up as I've been learning - 20/20 for that one. HF was, in the nicest possible way, probably the most useless exam I have ever sat. Ended up guessing most of the questions, clearly my studying of the Human Factors chapter in the BAK text wasn't enough (or relevant at all it seemed). Ah well, got 88% so that's a pass. Now just BAK to do! i_dunno
  16. Well, clearly I haven't, so I'm guessing that's not the case?
  17. Radio Test Is the Radio (or if we want to be fancy, radiotelephony) test written or oral? I was told it was written but other people have said it's oral so now I'm a little confused...or does the school have an option to make it written or oral?
  18. That sounds like something Doctor Who would say to confuse the aliens (In other words, I haven't a clue what any of that means, but I'll take your word for it)
  19. Just a question out of curiosity. I can understand why you can use mp3 players during takeoff/landing because (I assume) they don't want people with music turned up so they can't hear announcements etc (I'm guessing that's their motivation behind it?) But what about digital cameras? I don't mean video cameras, just still picture cameras. As far as I know, they don't send out a signal that will mess with the instruments or anything (or do they?), so can you use them during takeoff/landing? Or is there some other reason why you can't?
  20. Rest in peace Decca. You will be missed. My thoughts go out to his family.
  21. wooo, girl power! :thumb_up:
  22. I can just imagine it, there'll be be a big power board in the middle of the circuit and everyone will be doing circuits with extension cords. I guess that's one way to keep everyone to a standard circuit size! :big_grin: Then you could pull the plug and watch everyone try and force land at once...you can just stand there holding the plug and smiling. :devil:
  23. Don't worry, I do :)
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