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Everything posted by DarkSarcasm

  1. Well, the time has come for me to stop being slack and get on with my theory tests... :black_eye: Is there anywhere I can find a syllabus or something similar that goes through what I need to know for the tests (RT, HF, BAK)? For HF, will the chapter on HF in the ATC BAK book be enough or is there extra info I should know? What kind of thing is on the RT test? Is it something you need to study for or is it basically all things you should know from using the radio during training?
  2. I've read those books too and saw that. The thing that worried me was that you might end up relying on the dot then not be able to do it successfully without the dot... I guess once you got better at it you might not rely on the dot so much but, to me at least, there seemed the possibility of ended up relying solely on the dot and not being able to land properly without it. However, that's just my idea, so don't let it put anyone off trying a dot!
  3. Have you tried a cushion? :big_grin:
  4. Yes, DJ, I think you're right, that's one of the things I've been wondering about. I'm not sure if I'd dislike doing it, since I've never really tried, but I don't think I'd have enough of the required skills so I'd definitely need some help. Overall I don't think it's worth it. Plus I'm wondering if it's a little premature to decide on an aircraft this early in my flying adventures, in case I decide I'd like a taildragger or go to GA and get into aeros and want a little aeros machine or something. :)
  5. I would definitely get it inspected before I looked at buying it. Right now I'm just curious as to whether it's even worth considering getting it inspected! Even if I could afford it, I honestly don't know how I'd finish it. I don't really know much about DIY and just looking at instruments and wondering how to install them gets me freaking out. I guess anyone who builts an aircraft generally has no idea what they're doing at the start though... Any ideas how much the finished aircraft might be worth?
  6. According to the seller, it's probably going to cost another $13,000-$15,000 to get it into the air....I wish I wish I wish I were wealthy (unfortunately, I don't think I can convince my Dad into going halves of a $40,000 aircraft...)
  7. On eBay at the moment is a partially built Zodiac 601 HDS. Apparantly the airframe is done, just needs engine and instruments (and presumably paint and interior upholstory etc). Assuming I had $24,000 to spend (well, I could spend that and just be broke, but that's not really my goal. Interestingly, my Dad found it, looking at aircraft on eBay, maybe I should try to exploit this? ), it doesn't look too bad a deal - all the initial construction etc is done. Would you buy an aircraft off eBay? i_dunno How would it work with buying a partially (or nearly?) constructed kit with regard to the 65% (?) personal construction that is required for homebuilts? (is 65% right?) How much would it (roughly) cost for an engine and instruments and paint? Any idea? And, lastly, although this should perhaps go in the Zenith part of the forum, anyone know what a Zodiac 601 HDS is like to fly? ADDITION: I saw a thread on the Zenith forum about the wings falling off 601XL, would that relate to this model, 601 HDS, at all? Not sure if this is the right part of the forum for this question Ian, so you're welcome to move it...
  8. *snicker*
  9. And I have won the Con Test to be number 4000
  10. I've spent a lot of time thinking about it
  11. ...Con Niving when he...
  12. get one off my pollie cousin Con Federation who...
  13. Here's one example of (1) a BRS system being used at a stupid time (90-120ft AGL apparantly) and (2) it not working properly... [/url] Aviation Safety Investigation Report - Final - AO-2007-018
  14. I think there is the temptation to also use it in situations where it is no longer an option (i.e. low level). Personally, I wouldn't have one. As others have said, too much temptation to think of it as a 'get out of jail free card' and too tempted to use it in situations where you'd be better off actually flying the aircraft. I'm honestly not too sure when they'd actually be of use, even in an engine failure situation I'd prefer to have control and fly the aircraft down to the ground rather than pull the handle and hope for the best...
  15. teehee, thanks Planey
  16. I have now, thanks for reminding me. Nah, it's going to take more than this to steal Darky's light More seriously, I'm all for girl power, both in aviation generally and on this site. :thumb_up:
  17. Your name is yellow again...the shock!
  18. Ok, these are the things I think I'd like in the camera, let's see what people suggest (open to any and all suggestions) video camera (obviously), not too large preferably can fit onto some kind of suction-cup mount which i can stick on windscreen/door window/whatever (inside the aircraft, not totally comfortable with the idea of sticking it on the outside, wouldn't it affect airflow and such? plus with my luck it'd fall off) image stabiliser if i attach it upside down (say inside the windscreen), ability to turn the image the right way up, either as an option in the camera or later on my computer good picture avoid the strobe prop thing if possible (I'm guessing this is where you can see the prop in the video...is this avoidable at all?) good battery life ability to survive G-forces (I'd like to do aeros in the future) The GoPro HD seems to fulfil most of these but also seems to have some issues (strobe prop, no image stabiliser). Plus it seems to be getting fairly expensive if I get the HD model, because I'd want the extra LCD screen once they get around to releasing it... I'd have to say that the absolute max I could spend would be about $400-$500 and then only knowing that the camera would last me a good long time (not one that'll need to be upgraded in the next year or so) So, any ideas anyone? I've been googling cameras but it's hard to tell how they'd go bashing around in an aircraft, so any and all help would be appreciated :) I get horribly indescisive when it comes to making purchases involving electronics...
  19. Few more questions: Do the GoPro cams have an image stabiliser thing? (you can tell I'm not particularly into photography huh) Do g-forces affect cameras?
  20. To get a certified copy, you get a photocopy made then take the photocopy and the original to a lawyer or a cop or a JP and get them to certify (sign) that the copy is a copy of the original. I just generally go down to the cop shop :)
  21. I'm just wondering if I won't use it enough to jusitfy an HD one...seems a fair price difference. I guess it'll probably last a fair while though. Question for those who have one: how long does the battery last (roughly)? They certainly seem to have good reviews, these GoPro cameras
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