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Everything posted by DarkSarcasm

  1. I hadn't thought of Google Earth, I think I'll be spending some time with that and a photocopy of my map tonight, thanks :) The reason I'm asking is that I know where I am in the training area (on my mental map) but have no idea how many miles it would be (yet anyway, I'll learn it pretty quick) :)
  2. Assuming you don't have a map or a GPS, you've just been out bashing around the training area, is there any 'trick' or something where you can roughly calculate how many nm out you are for your inbound call, or is it just something that you have to learn by experience at that airfield?
  3. Glad it's not just me who does that!
  4. Awesome! If you see me 'round there, feel free to come and say hi :)
  5. Hiya TC, I fly out of Lilydale and would recommend LFS. If you want to go down RA-Aus route, they have Jabiru's, which have a stick. If you want to ask me anything about it, feel free to PM me :)
  6. Sure, but better add another R into BarRister, 'cos otherwise I'm your resident coffee-maker and unless you want to die of food poisoning, that isn't a good move...
  7. I have absolutely no idea where it came from for me. Nobody in my family is a pilot. I do know that I first flew commercially at age 3...not that I remember it...then again at age 6...still don't remember it. But maybe it started something? Who knows! Ever since I can remember I've known that one day I would get my pilot licence. But I never went to airshows, never had model aircraft, never had posters of aircraft...pretty much nobody outside my family knew that I'd ever wanted to learn to fly. Then, a year ago, I confused the daylights out of everyone by suddenly deciding to learn to fly :big_grin:
  8. Oh no, I'd better hurry up! :thumb_up: Yes, I'm planning to do GA BAK. I just find the entire BAK thing fairly daunting - seems a lot of information to learn... Did you self-study? I need to remember it's multiple choice too, I've probably got a 50/50 chance on any question I don't know! I think I need to sit down on the weekend and spend a day just doing BAK and tell myself that I can't feel guilty that I'm studying that rather than doing law study...
  9. No idea BlackRod I'm currently doing forced landings and I think there's still some more stuff to do after that, plus area solo etc. I really need to get on and learn (and sit) my BAK though...
  10. "And if I borrow her second-best linen then I'll have enough to make some wings AND a snazzy new flying suit!" Tomo was immediately distracted with plans for his new flying suit, including designing a personal logo for himself, which was...
  11. For me personally, I'd say no. I'm equally comfortable with flapless landings and landings with half flap. I've only done landings with full flap when doing glide approaches or short field landings.
  12. I sent in an email to the editor in December (roughly) suggesting an idea for an article or articles - not an actual article, but an idea for one. I didn't hear a word back from them then in the March issue I see my email has been published. It honestly never crossed my mind that they'd consider publishing my email (otherwise I would've taken longer than 5 minutes to write it!)...perhaps it was a slow letters month this month?...and even after they've published it I still haven't had any sort of response about my actual idea, not even a 'no thanks' or a 'we'll consider it'... :confused:i_dunno
  13. I've done lots of flapless landings so the prospect of landing without flaps doesn't bother me terribly (I prefer it in stronger winds really). I like the idea of having full flap 'in reserve' in case I need it (for short field and stuff) and just using half/no flap in normal circumstances (clearly depending upon airfield and weather conditions etc)
  14. I made sure I was home alone when I did it :big_grin:
  15. I've been taught to use half flap for normal landings and full for glide approaches (if needed) and short field landings
  16. I meant the TimTam kind but both work :big_grin:
  17. ...bikkie barrel... ==== Darks is wondering if Ahlo has been secretly watching her fly...how else would he know about her taxiing skills??
  18. "Careful Ditdah" warned Ahlo, "If you eat too many of those you won't fit in Matt H's plane and will have to..."
  19. :thumb_up: "We've got clearance Clarence." "Roger Roger" "What's our vector Victor?"
  20. Was tempted to put this in the IFR thread but didn't want to be responsible for restarting the controversy...
  21. Yep, a completely unknown aircraft with no identifying features whatsoever...
  22. The cap idea started in the original bumper sticker ideas thread. I spoke to studentbiggles who spoke to Ian and last I heard Ian was in discussions with somebody who does embroidery/cap design. Methinks we need to ask the boss what (if anything) is happening with the cap idea :)
  23. "The bigger question is what approach method you're going to use!" cried McLocks, waiting just long enough to utter a "tee hee" before dashing for cover... :stirring pot:
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