And therein lies the problem I think, we seem to be (once again ) getting stuck into 'one camp or the other' and forgetting that when we fly we use the throttle and the elevator together to do what we want.
In my mind, power controls speed, elevator controls attitude. Ok, cool. But when I'm bashing along at S&L, if I want to do something, say climb or descend, I don't just move the stick and hope for the best, I move the stick and alter the power accordingly to what I want to do - I use them together to achieve my aim.
For example, if I want to descend, I use the stick to lower the nose and adjust power so I don't end up hurtling towards the ground at a ridiculous amount of knots. I know I'm comparatively inexperienced in this whole flying caper, but I'm not sure how that approach is wrong... :confused: