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Everything posted by DarkSarcasm

  1. Momentary NES pause as the Darkster excuses herself to go and poke out her mind's eye
  2. Thirded ..... DarkStar
  3. Considering I'm 22 I reckon I'm not exactly doing badly (compared to lots of people my age). I didn't use the term 'crash' though, at most I'd refer to them as 'bingles'. 'Incidents' I've had: (1) having someone run into me when I reversing out of a space in a carpark (he was speeding, but both cars were hardly damaged) (2) having someone pull out in front of me when I was just driving along the road (police have verified I wasn't to blame) (3) accidentally running a red light (only one that was my fault and only time I've ever gotten a ticket in my life) And if I ever rode a motorbike, if I didn't die while I was riding it, I'd be dead right after 'cos my parents would murder me
  4. You're right Cam. I did a defensive driving course after I got my Ps (very highly recommended) and was taught that the best way to get rid of a tailgater is to slow down gradually. I've been driving for almost 4 years and have had maybe 3 accidents, only one of which was my fault, I guess I must be doing something right!
  5. "Yes" mused TomoNed, "I needs an aeryoplane, but what sort would be best for a bit of sheep rustling and bush ranger-y derring do?"...
  6. Slartigrammarfanatic :thumb_up:
  7. :thumb_up:
  8. Totally agree. We studied the radio play in English in Yr 10 and I was the only one laughing my head off the entire time :big_grin:
  9. Hiya Slarti, I love mine, thanks :big_grin: They all look fantastic, great job :thumb_up:
  10. Ian, I'm starting to think we priced them too low! Nah, I did some digging and thought laterally and found us a good price :thumb_up: Slarti, since they're cheaper than I expected too, I might put myself down for 1 more (so 3 total).
  11. Prices Righto gang, we have a price. It's going to be $3 per sticker + whatever postage is (presumably not much I'm guessing but that'll depend on location etc).
  12. "Hey, dude, like, yeah, want to like, you know, come up here? I'm kinda like bored because like my twitface account has been like blocked which was like totally not my fault and..."
  13. Hi Andy, Wow, not only do you fly out of the same place I do, you live in my suburb as well! Lilydale is a good place to learn, although I agree with Graeme, there are days when you just really wish there was a cross runway! It's good that you're starting in summer, I started in May (right before winter) so had a fair few lessons cancelled because of crosswinds and bad weather... thumb_down Who are you flying with? If you see me there, feel free to come and say hi :)
  14. teehee, my FI said something similar, he was like "I think if you hit a mountain you've got worse problems than just that somehow"
  15. aha, yeah I know, we just went around that mountain rather than over today :)
  16. Thanks Graeme :) I'm sure you'll be back out there soon enough! Main thing I learnt today for YLIL training area: If you hit a mountain, you've gone too far
  17. aha! Thanks Slarti, that's what I was hunting for :)
  18. Hi all, Apologies if this has already been asked but I searched and couldn't find the answer... Is there any way to create a flight path in Google Earth and/or Google maps that you can save as a picture? Basically, today I flew around the boundaries of the training area and I'm looking to create something in google earth or google maps to show the boundaries (line between towns for example) which I can save and post in my blog. I was playing around with google earth and I can do 'pinpoints' on the map but can't work out how to make them join up into a path... So yeah, basically, how do I make a 'joined up' path of places on google earth and/or google maps? Thanks :)
  19. Not a clue at the moment, still need to get prices on printing and things. I'll give out some warning once I get things organised etc :)
  20. I hear rumours that I apparantly need a mohawk? :laugh: (or are my sources mistaken?)
  21. Qwerty was out at the local Hardly Normal, where he was lurking in the computer section, removing all the keys from the display keyboards except for his favourite 6 in the top left-hand corner. Unfortunately, he hadn't realised that...
  22. Fixed :big_grin: And I love it, thanks!
  23. yes you are awesomely accommodating, thanks! :thumb_up:
  24. I'm young and immature But can I please have a ! at the end? (like in my sig) :) These stickers are looking awesome Slarti :thumb_up:
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