I like this idea.
Sometimes you post in the training forum for an answer to a specific question other times you merely want other opinions on something.
For example, with my post on 'how to land' a while back, I wasn't asking a specific question (i.e. how do I land?) I was asking for other opinions in case someone said something that worked for me and helped me get around the issue I was having at that point.
I do think that the place to ask specific questions and get answers from qualified FIs is a good thing. Sometimes you have a question you intend to ask your FI but know that you may well forget it by next lesson or something - posting on here gives you an answer to that question while it's fresh and it's not like you can't ask your own FI later.
Just as a note, I think it is really important for everyone to remember to try and stay away from statements such as 'Your FI is wrong!' or 'You should change your FI now!'. I don't think statements like this help, for a number of reasons.
It encourages the student to distrust their FI which, particularly in the early stages of training, is a bad idea IMO
Their FI isn't here to defend themselves. Sometimes I've felt that I've done my FI a disservice by posting on here, because he isn't here to defend himself from any criticism. It's important to remember that what may be posted here by the student and what may actually have been said/done by the FI could be two very different things - whatever was done/said has been absorbed into the mind of a inexperienced student then restated here - it may not always come out sounding the same as when it went in!
I realise that many (all?) of the questions I've posted in the Training forum have been stupid/pointless/off-the-wall and I may well be one of the "dummies" that a few of the survey responses were talking about, but I asked them for either of two reasons:
I wanted to put it down somewhere so I'd remember to ask it next lesson (and I was interested what people here would say); or
It was some random question that popped into my head and I either decided wasn't worth using up lesson time asking or wasn't really relevant where I was up to in training but I was curious anyway
But despite the pointlessness of some of my questions, some of them have generated some interesting discussion (and some haven't...)
So, basically (turning into a longer post than expected, this), I like the idea of two forums - one where you can ask specific questions and one where you can ask pointless questions which may lead to an interesting discussion or may not but are more looking for opinions than a definitive answer :thumb_up: