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Everything posted by DarkSarcasm

  1. I think LightSpeed know they have the market cornered somehow...
  2. cool, good to hear :) Have you tried the music at all? Still waiting in anticipation to see what magic Ian can work with them. I know that if I cave and buy a set at retail price, I'll come on this site the next day and see Ian has them with an amazing cheap price, so I'm doing my best to hold off and wait :)
  3. Hehehehehehehehehe *plots*
  4. I was thinking of taking notes for when I do a PAX briefing...
  5. So am I but at least we got off better than LaTrobe :big_grin:
  6. I heard that about AeroShop too. I'm hoping Ian will be able to work some magic and get it cheaper :)
  7. Any luck with the aussie supplier Ian?
  8. Awesome, can't wait. I may well be one of your first customers when you get them in :)
  9. Yeah, I've decided against the import route, seems far too much hassle (HASELL? ) I'm currently hunting round to see what price I can get here in Aus. Apparantly Ian's going to get the Zulu's in at clear prop, hoping for an update about when... I'm keen to get my own after having the headset from hell in my lesson today!
  10. Hey Ian, Any news on the Zulu coming to Clear Prop? Had a lesson today with the most hideous headset ever so I'm doubly enthusiastic to get my own
  11. Hey cool, thanks, I'll check it out. :)
  12. Thx1137, I can see what you mean! Right now all my friends are like "I'd LOVE to come flying with you when you get your licence" but I have a feeling that when it's actually a possibility people mighn't be quite so enthusiastic
  13. I can't afford two obsessions, I can barely afford this one!
  14. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to do this, if I'm not just delete this post. I'm a 4th year Arts/Law student and I'd like to get into aviation law when I graduate. If anyone on these boards is an aviation lawyer or has a connection with a firm in aviation law, PLEASE contact me, I am eager to get some experience in aviation law before I graduate (work experience over the summer or something would be fantastic)... Thanks guys :) - Darky:cool:
  15. I've only recently started flying and I'm already addicted. The wait between lessons (I fly weekly...well, at least I try to, stupid weather) seems interminable sometimes! Especially when planes fly by when I'm at uni (my uni is under a flight path) and I just look jealously up into the sky at the lucky pilot of that plane. Actually, my career goals have changed since I started flying. I was going to go into commercial law, now I'm going to try and find a way into aviation law and combine what I like into my job. If anyone on these boards is an aviation lawyer or has connections with an aviation law firm, PLEASE contact me! I'm a 4th year law student and I'd desperately like experience in aviation law!
  16. Engine noise is a kind of music I reckon. I hear the roar of my car engine or the sound of a plane (or even a motorbike) and it just sends shivers of excitement down my spine :big_grin:
  17. Ooooooooooooh, so when you plug the headset into the plane you have it on the mono setting? I think the music must be a little less annoying than a vacuum cleaner or a lawnmower....at least it's environmental stress you can sing along to!
  18. That makes sense, thanks qwerty. :) So, on average, what do most planes have? stereo or mono?
  19. I'd assume most modern planes would have stereo then, because I can't really see why people would WANT to only have noise in one ear (unless they're deaf in other I guess, in which case they wouldn't have a choice anyway)...
  20. Hi all, I'm buying a headset and it says that you can switch it between stereo and mono for different intercoms. Out of curiosity - What's the difference between stereo and mono? Is the J160 intercom stereo or mono, or are there different intercoms in different planes and therefore it depends which plane you fly? When I get my headset I will ask my instructor about the actual plane I'm flying, but being fairly hopeless at electronic things, I'm curious to find out how it all works... - Darky:cool:
  21. All of mine say they can't wait to fly with me, but I'm waiting to see how many are still keen when it actually becomes a possibility!
  22. I'm in my 4th year of a 5 year Arts/Law degree and, for some unexplainable reason, decided my life wasn't hectic enough and this was a good time to start learning to fly... it is fantastic fun though and has the added bonus that everyone I know now thinks that I am clearly the coolest person alive
  23. Why is why I currently have my BAK book in front of me instead of my law textbooks...
  24. good grief, 3000 purchases. I'm still only at 57 so I'm clearly not as bad as I thought! The sign on the laptop thing is a good idea though. I've got one now saying "STUDYING = FLYING" in an attempt to get myself to study for uni (if I study I feel less guilty when I fly). It isn't working to the extent that I hoped for though
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