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Everything posted by DarkSarcasm

  1. Thanks DJ :)
  2. Hi all, I'm looking at buying a wood model of the Warrior off ebay, with a custom paint job. Has anyone got any experience with buying wood models off ebay and can recommend any of the sellers? Or any suggestions where to look for models other than ebay? Cheers.
  3. Thanks everyone :big_grin: Probably because it didn't feel like such a big deal second time 'round. Don't get me wrong, it was absolutely fantastic, but it wasn't so much 'OMG I'm solo...now I have to get down again!'. It just kind of felt like a natural progression - I was confident in it and just flew it, there wasn't the uncertainty/nerves that comes with the first 'first solo' (if that makes any sense). Absolutely can't wait to get up there again though! :big_grin: haha, probably quite a while since I have no intention of ever flying for the airlines! (hands on flying is that much more fun!)
  4. Nah that's no secret :)
  5. haha, oh yes! It might not be fashionable, but I have to admit I love the Warrior Well, officially I soloed at 6.6. But a couple of lessons ago I was told I was at solo standard but we ran out of time to do it, that was at 4.1. I had a couple of lessons with a Gr3 booked so did IF in those then did the solo today after organising to do a check with a FI who could send me solo. So, officially 6.6, unofficially 4.1 I spose Yes, I think the UL time helped, if that's what you mean. After the Jab, everything seems easy to fly!
  6. Welcome Scooby (Doo?)
  7. Couple of days they said...
  8. Just a short note to say I did my first GA solo in the Warrior this morning :big_grin:
  9. My suggestion is to uninstall the apps you've installed for the ringtone things and see if it does it without them installed. If it does, then it's something to do with the Desire. If it doesn't, then it's something to do with one of those apps. Then, install one of the apps again (not all, just one). Test it again. If it does it, then it's that app and you'll probably need to find another one that does the same thing. If it doesn't, then install another of the apps and see if it causes it. Basically, just slowly go through all the apps and test them to see if they cause it (if it doesn't do it when none of them are installed). Then you know what's causing it and can look for another app that doesn't the same thing but doesn't cause the problem. :)
  10. Thanks all :) I'm a member of lots of different aviation forums. Cheers :) Yeah I've been keeping that part of it quiet DJ. I was waiting to see how the training went before telling too many people I want to compete :rolleyes:
  11. Vev: hahaha Hi! Chainsaw: I like to give people early warning :rolleyes: (btw, nice name yourself)
  12. Hi everyone :) I'm Darky. I fly out of YLIL in Vic. I have my RA-Aus cert, flying J160s, and I've recently started my PPL in Warriors. My goal is to have my PPL by the end of November...now just to see if I can make it! Once I have that, my next goals are getting an endorsement in a Tiger Moth and getting an aeros rating with the eventual hope of competing. When I'm not flying or staring at every aircraft that flies by, I'm in my final semester of an Arts/Law degree and (assuming I don't fail my exams in a couple of weeks) will be heading out into the big wide world next year as a beginner Legal Eagle. :behindsofa:
  13. Yay, go Pow!! :big_grin:
  14. Ok, thanks. I wondered if that was the case but was a little unclear on whether it just applied to schools or to everyone.
  15. With the "L. Introduce Annual Fee to aid with school inspections", would that be on top of the membership fee? So the yearly total for a student/pilot would be $170 + $150 = $320?
  16. Or, another definition: "The tendency of a body to resist acceleration; the tendency of a body at rest to remain at rest or of a body in straight line motion to stay in motion in a straight line unless acted on by an outside force." I think the point here is the 'stay in motion in a straight line' etc part - i.e. it takes more force to make it stop going S&L and put it into (say) a descent. So, they're saying that the RA-Aus aircraft have less inertia - they take less force to move out of the motion they're in. For example: to enter a descent in a Jab, it isn't that difficult to put it into the descent - a little bit of forward pressure and you're heading the way you want to go. To enter a descent in a Warrior (for example) takes more effort than in the Jab, because it wants to keep on keeping on the way it's going. This is only my understanding of the concept (I'm hardly a physics expert) but I have noticed a difference in flying the two that I would put down to differences in inertia (which may or may not be defined correctly by me )
  17. Haha, he's 27 so he was able to give his own consent
  18. Sorry guys, I've been in a bit of a dodgy mood this week, I've been staying up late writing essays and things so I'm developing a pretty big sleep debt at the mo, unfortunately. I just felt I was being given obvious advice (no offence intended to you BlackRod, I know it was given in the best of intentions). So, yeah, took my first pax up today. My brother was brave enough to be my first passenger and since he doesn't like heights, I was a little worried how he'd like it. Anyways, apparantly he enjoyed it and thought I was very professional and said that next time one of my friends says they're dubious about coming up with me, to tell them to talk to him
  19. Sorry for pointing out that I do actually have some common sense :) Anyway, weather report looks promising for tomorrow and I have confirmation from RA-Aus that I have the endo, so as long as my brother holds his nerve, things should be good. :big_grin:
  20. I never said I was planning to take them up in bad weather
  21. Hey flighty, good idea, I'll do that now. I assumed I'd have to wait for paperwork/plastic but I've heard of people (including on these forums) who took their first pax up straight after their endo test etc, which implied you didn't need to have it, so I wasn't certain...
  22. Hi all, Last Tuesday I got my pax endo and the form was faxed to RA-Aus so I can get my shiny new piece of plastic (to replace my few-week old new piece of plastic...) so RA-Aus would've gotten the form on Wednesday morning (so just over a week ago) It still hasn't arrived (hoping it'll arrive tomorrow) but I was hoping to take up a pax on Saturday, am I still able to do that even if I don't have the new piece of plastic that includes 'pax' in the endorsement list? It's on my record at the airfield that I've got the endorsement etc and I've got my cert that says I'm certified etc, so is that enough? Or do I need the new cert? Or maybe can I get something faxed from RA-Aus to prove I've got the endo just for the meantime? I'm not trying to claim an endorsement I don't have, it's on record etc that I do have it, so does it really matter if the card I have says it on the endorsement list or not?
  23. [ATTACH]11850.vB[/ATTACH]
  24. It'll come with practice, don't worry :) When I first started, I found steering with my feet to be completely insane! Soon you'll be doing power slides around the corners....not recommended (and I'm not recommending you do them!), but in the mud sometimes easy to do accdentally and, to be honest, kinda fun Disclaimer: I'm not advocating unsafe taxiing, I'm just playing around
  25. You're gonna need a TARDIS or DeLorean for that
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