I absolutely HATE how people bash airports and aviation and dont' think about the good that comes out of it. Ignoring the training of future pilots for the airlines and flying for fun etc, what about the Westpac Chopper, RFDS, Police chopper, Ambulance Chopper, Search & Rescue etc etc etc. All services that those people take for granted of being there if they need them, but don't think about where those services come from. I HATE it!
Sometimes I think they should force people buying houses next to/near an existing airport to sign some sort of legally binding document saying that they agree that the airport was there first and that they are buying the house with the knowledge that there is an airport there and what it means for them.
But I don't know how to raise awareness of the fact that these services that people take for granted require/come from airports, the media is too busy trying to slag aviation to do anything about supporting it. It doesn't seem like writing letters is enough, even if we all write to our MPs, they're not going to listen to us, they're going to listen to the main public who are probably sitting there saying airports are noisy and dirty and smelly and dangerous etc...