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  • Aircraft
    Thruster t300
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    Western Australia
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  1. That’s why I’m suspicious of the regulator because the current was 7 amps to the battery so in essence more than 1 amp and I think the tacho has just had its day maybe and thanks to Brendan for his advice and offering of a spare one I do appreciate it a whole lot .
  2. Oh ok not he battery is fine nev no build up it’s just as the increased rpm the voltage to the battery and then in turn to the instruments also increases to a point where it’s sometimes around 18 volts now in my limited understanding I’d believe that the voltage regulator should limit to about 14.5 v max and increase the current for an increase in rpm while holding a steady voltage to a point where the battery is charged and then floats the current?
  3. Well again sorry mate didn’t mean to offend you I have been working all day and just checking my emails now so again sorry
  4. Sorry, I’m not understanding what your saying nev
  5. I’ll take the pun thanks nev
  6. Yes Brendan I believe it could be I think I also fried the fuel level and ect gauge
  7. Thankyou for you advice I’ll have a look at a few listed and see if they will suit
  8. It’s the original I think nev square type with an epoxy cover
  9. Thankyou for the advice
  10. I hadn’t thought of that thanks
  11. Thanks the current was about 7 amps but voltage was high 14-17 volts
  12. Sorry mate I don’t know how I have given you the cold shoulder am I not getting tagged in conversations? I just got some emails saying that I had some unread posts but I am now replying I appreciate any and all help an will have a conversation with anyone I’m a happy type bloke I’m sorry if I have upset you
  13. The clear square type I think the original
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