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Everything posted by Exadios

  1. Final result for the competition.
  2. Chopper has poor safety record.
  3. Station manager killed in crash.
  4. I hope that this is not another accident.
  5. An Australian, David Hansen, has won the first day of competition.
  6. I think that VariEzes are the best looking light aircraft around! It would have to be one of the best to fly as well.
  7. Well, on the TV side I was thinking of something like this. As you can see the quality of the journalism is not proze winning but its good enough to get publicity.
  8. Seems like it was driven by the journalist. Even so it would be worth while for clubs to appoach papers and the general interest TV programs in order to try and drum up a publicity peice.
  9. Those of you who are applying for a US license may in for a delay.
  10. There is a gliding TV channel here.
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  11. A Facebook page for Australia's team to the World Gliding Championships, to be held in the northen hemisphere's summer.
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  12. The championship is held at Musbach, Germany, in early August. The Australian team has a Web page.
  13. A more recent article.
  14. Here is the Web page.
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  15. I agree. As I say, it needs constant practise.
  16. Most RFDS flights are single pilot.
  17. Zero G is not necessary. Approximately one G is sufficient. If you went into a spin after using the rudder then the wrong pedal was kicked. This is inappropiate use of rudder. I imaging the reason the student froze in a spin is because he or she had not received the appropiate training. My point is that to recover from these sort of problems needs training and constant practise which thermaling will give you. Unfortunately the RAA and GA syllabi do not cover these areas and most pilots do not get the practise required.
  18. Stick forward immediately and be prepared to use the rudder aggressively. Learning how to thermal is good practice for engine failures in a turn. When thermaling the aircraft is flying at minimum sink speed, which is a couple of knots greater than stall, and cranked over at 45 to 50 degrees, so it teaches the pilot how to keep the plane flying (and how to get it flying again if necessary).
  19. I think one of the best bits of the article is the suggestion by the editors that a "counter sail under the landing carriage" be fitted "to balance the high center of effort of the present mainsail", which shows that there were no Physics graduates on the editorial board of Mordern Mechanics.
  20. A fire in the air is by fair the scariest thing I can think of! Well done in maintaining your cool. Good that things turned out OK.
  21. [medio=full]23[/medio]
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