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Everything posted by Exadios

  1. An idea before its time or a loony idea at any time?
  2. I wasn't aware of that. Singapore Airlines controls Tiger in that they appoint the management, right?
  3. I don't think that many Australian citizens would own Singapore Airlines shares. They are not traded on the ASX or NYSE.
  4. I would not expect the tank temperature to change very much over a day, but over a year there is probably a difference of 3 degrees C. So I think the trick is to wait until it has been snowing for a month and fill up then, but not before!
  5. Tiger (possibly) grounded until August 1. I think the concensus here is that they're are finished. As Winsor pointed out lets hope the staff find jobs very quickly. I can't imaging that any of this is their fault.
  6. Tiger finally pulls ticket sales. Looks like this is not going to go away for Tiger any time soon.
  7. Back to basics.
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  8. Aircraft Influence the Local Weather, New Study Shows; Inadvertent Cloud Seeding Can Increase Precipitation Around Major Airports.
  9. The thing is that Qantas and Tiger do what they do because there is some competative advantage to do so (grounding excepted). So others are forced to follow to a greater or lesser extent.
  10. Had to happen. The trajectory of the industry is towards less safe but cheaper operations.
  11. Very interesting. Somebody has pointed out elsewhere that this has been done by Ingo Renner a number of years ago. Who knew!
  12. An interesting article. The dynamic soaring idea is very interesting. Has anybody tried this?
  13. Another one. Must be something in the water.
  14. I think the story is the inadequate planning conducted at Airservices. This incident is just one expression of that deficiency.
  15. There has been an update to this story. It turns out that the controller's girl friend was not on the flight after all. However the woman who was occupying the seat that his girl friend would have occupied, mother of three, grandmother of eight and great grandmother of 15, Edna Nurdelman, 89, has decided to accept the offer of marriage saying that its the best offer she has had in 60 years.
  16. From an air traffic controller friend of mine the scuttle butt is: The Malibu was on final with a "Brazilian" on the runway. While on final the Malibu's engine quit. The pilot managed to restart the engine but, because of the Brazilian, had to do a go around. He had just started doing this when the engine quit again and he had to put it down on the dirt. It is not clear whether the Brazilian had just landed or was taxiing back along te runway to take off. As my friend noted it is not clear why the Malibu's pilot didn't tell the Brazilian to clear the runway immediately and land then to the right.
  17. An article about screwups at Airservices.
  18. NZ, that's the place! WRT the oxygen mask on an eagle I'm sure that its a problem that could be solved with some silicone glue and a couple of wraps of Duck Tape.
  19. That sounds about right. I'm sure that no law abiding eagle would go higher than 10000' without being on oxygen.
  20. Also man does not bite dog. Story here.
  21. Meekathra is not a marginal field. The runway is greater than 2000m.
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