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Everything posted by Exadios

  1. The SO_2 cap and trade system is evidence that markets do work in this instance. On the other hand the collapse of the Soviet Union is evidence that 5 year plans do not work, comrade.
  2. So, exactly how many people have you got in there? Sounds a bit too crowded. Actually, I was not expecting you to understand. You have met my expectations.
  3. Either we build a workable economy or it will collapse. The path you advocate will lead to that collapse. It is hard to see how a collapse of the economy can benefit the struggling US manufacturer. The truth is that we need to re-engineer our lives and that we are on the brink of a new age of prosperity. It makes me wish that I was a young engineer again - so many opportunities. All this is good news for struggling US manufacturers - and Australian ones if we are smart enough.
  4. The question is what would their Sulfer Dioxide emissions be? The answer is a lot lower than they otherwise would have been. This is why you never hear about Acid Rain anymore. This reduction is a result of the SO_2 cap and trade market. A CO_2 cap and trade market would work in exactly the same way.
  5. No. You do not understand the origin of the Doppler signature. It comes from the the errors in the satellite's orbit and the the gravity signature expressed upon the satellite. These two sources are represented by two uncorrelated harmonic series. To replicate the data received on the original flight it would be necessary to wait for the phasing between these two series to be the same as it was on the original flight. I have not done the math but I would expect that we would need to wait a few hundred years for these two series to replicate the alignment. As I say the physics and engineering is well understood. The trails you refer to have been done - in the 18th and 19th centuries.
  6. Well, it is a fact that the carbon tax has been tialed for for over 25 years in the US (in the form of the SO_2 market) and found to work.
  7. I am an Electronics Engineer with hydrographic experience. I read a report that the acoustics 'pings' where man made but the carrier was not at the expected 38kHz but 32kHz. When I saw that I said, "Woops!" The carriers of deep water sonars are often at 1kHz multiplied by some power of 2. So 8kHz, 16kHz, 32kHz, ... etc. So I considered that the most likely source to be from a surface vessel.
  8. In order to get a similar representation of the Doppler shifts the flight would have to synchronized with both the satellite's orbital signature and also gravity signature present at the time of the original flight. I haven't done the math but those multiple cycles can only come into that same phase relationship very infrequently. In any case the physics and engineering are very well understood. So what unknown information do you think that a physical experiment would reveal?
  9. What's the geodetic position of the rig?
  10. You want to be proven wrong? OK. The is no evidence at all to support, in any way, anything you have asserted. It follows that you cannot be right - i.e. you are wrong.
  11. Yes. My theory is that Nigel Cawthorne is a rank amateur.
  12. Now there is a book. Turns out (you guessed it) it was the Americans.
  13. [medio=full]462[/medio]
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  15. [medio=full]459[/medio]
  16. [medio=full]457[/medio]
  17. [medio=full]453[/medio]
  18. [medio=full]451[/medio]
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