Hi All,
I'm jumping the gun a bit here (not yet GFPT, let alone PPL, & won't have the money to do anything about it until next year) ... but I've already been exercising my imagination & trying to figure out what type of aircraft will do everything my wife & I want:
two up cross-country flying (even if a little cramped and slow)
basic aeros (eventually for both myself and my wife, who currently holds a CPL-H to which she's hoping to add a PPL + aero endorsement)
low purchase cost (<$50K ideally) and running costs
easy to fly for someone on a newly-minted PPL
built by somebody else (for I have precious little spare time, and struggle to make a wooden box that holds together)
I've gone hunting on the internet (as any good student pilot knows, everything you read on the internet is true ;)) and put together a spreadsheet with very rough figures, and have come out with the conclusion that the only aircraft that meets the above requirements is a 150 Aerobat.
Even then, the cruising range of a 150 with my wife & I abord (totalling ~ 180kg) would be profoundly limited - my SWAG (Super Wild Ass Guess) figures lead me to expect around 140nm including reserves, & that's based solely on MAUW calculations, i.e. disregarding balance entirely.
So ... I was wondering if anyone here has any suggestions? Is there something out there that will do all of the above? Or am I going to have to build time and experience while I save my pennies for an RV-series?