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Everything posted by Bill

  1. Premium unleaded Mogas (Shell Vortex 98 in our case) does not contain ethanol.
  2. Thanks 0032 (& everyone else who responded). Firstly we've determined it's running rich because of the sooty plugs (& also a sooty exhaust). The fuel consumption hasn't changed - historically 14.7 lph. The engine is operating normally - no problems at idle, cruise or WOT. Most of our flying is cross country of >1 hrs at 2850 - 2900 rpm, giving a TAS of 103Kts. Re your mechanical fuel pump - you determined it was flooding at idle because revs were not constant / surging?
  3. Our privately operated J160C (2200) has approx 610hrs over 17 years. Over the last 20hrs the engine has been running rich, as when removed the NGK spark plugs are a dense sooty black (prior to that they'd always been light tan). The only work / mods to the carby have been; in 2008 per JSB 018-1, Idle jet #35, Main jet #245 & Needle #290. In 2022 the diaphragm was replaced. Until about 20 hrs ago we used Avgas but since have changed to Shell Premium 98. The fuel level in the bowl is, as per the book, 13mm below the top of the bowl. Advice / suggestions please. Thanks, Bill
  4. https://www.facebook.com/AOPAaustralia/videos/aopa-australia-submits-response-to-class-5-self-declaration-medical-reformaopa-a/882055526767788/
  5. YBUY is Bunyan airfield, owned by the Canberra Gliding Club. https://nls264.wixsite.com/canberra-gliding Suggest you contact them prior for permission to land, but don't be surprised if permission is refused. Bill
  6. Security requirements for pilots - ASIC or AVID - see below. I have an AVID only because it "ticks the box" when I do my GA BFR. https://www.casa.gov.au/operations-safety-and-travel/aviation-safety-and-security-pilots/security-requirements-pilots
  7. I think the requirement for all licenced pilots (including students) is to have an AVID card. AFAIK the ASIC is only required for pilots who regularly fly into security controlled aerodromes. An AVID is issued by CASA, following a background security check.
  8. Three years ago AOPA were about to tackle this issue. https://aopa.com.au/the-battle-over-asic-cards-begins/ I'm not a member of AOPA & am not aware if this is still being actively pursued.
  9. Bill

    Schneider ES-56 Nymph

    Sorry Red - can't help with photo's. And, apart from perhaps Wikipedia, I don't know of any web pages where you can source these. Regards, Bill
  10. Bill

    Schneider ES-56 Nymph

    I think Photo 1 is a Bocian? Photo 2 a Slingsby Dart? (Neiher of these built by Edmund Schneider). Photo 3 is an ES Nymph.
  11. Bill

    Schneider ES-52 Kookaburra

    Thanks Red. The descriptive info is accurate. Several of the photo's for the ES Nymph have come up incorrectly too. But what you're doing provides a valuable data source - keep it up.
  12. Bill

    Schneider ES-52 Kookaburra

    Photo's 2 & 3 are short wing Kookaburras. Photo 1 is an ES Arrow, photo 4, maybe a Grunau Baby?
  13. How do you determine whether "the airport has Existing Use Rights under the Planning Sheme"? Thanks, Bill
  14. Re the third place getters. They actually flew an RF-5 Sperber (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fournier_RF-5). During WW2 Werner Geisler flew with the Luftwaffe (109's?) and Dennis Mathews with the RAF (Typhoons).
  15. I'm interested Skip. Where do I buy them in OZ? Thanks, Bill
  16. ARO said (1B) Subregulations (1) and (1A) do not apply to prevent a member of the crew having temporary access to: (a) any part of the aircraft for the purpose of executing repairs or adjustments to the aircraft or its equipment because you wouldn't want to make a rule that would stop people climbing on the wing or undercarriage to make repairs or adjustments in flight! Then this looks like it's legal, per Subsection (1B) https://www.facebook.com/warbirdexperienceUK/videos/1231273420648581
  17. I think Dick Smith is off John Anderson's Christmas Card list ! https://aopa.com.au/dick-smith-issues-open-letter-to-former-aviation-minister-mr-john-anderson/
  18. Questions please: Old Koreehla - what brand of epoxy did you coat your prop with & what brand - type did you spray (aeorosol?) it with? And Markdun - what brand of epoxy did you use to glue the laminates. Thanks, Bill
  19. The crash site is 600M ENE of Coombing Park airstrip (YCPK 33 37.7 S 149 7.5 E) where the ground rises several hundred feet. Appears they may have done a touch & go or missed approach on 09 & lost it on climb out.
  20. What lubricant is recommended for the Jab piano hinges? Thanks, Bill
  21. My gliding flights are often 4 - 6 hrs duration. My setup is an external catheter draining overboard via a tube attached to the u/c door. (I drop the wheel when the time comes). My catheter source is Independence Australia https://store.independenceaustralia.com/urology/condom-drainage-external-catheters?manufacturer=Urisure My power flights are generally less than 2 hrs & I can usually last that long, but I do carry a nappy in a plastic freezer bag, just in case. Another compact option is the Uribag, which can be washed out & reused. https://www.disabilityshop.com.au/uribag-portable-urinal-male/?gclid=CjwKCAiAzanuBRAZEiwA5yf4ut9Q8kkA8u-MceoRKFoJbPZxqEuMQb7Ov4AK-H7eH6W2f1fcpqtgThoCTdcQAvD_BwE
  22. Hi Skippy, being a water based PU, I assume Stewart Systems paint / glue it is not regarded as Dangerous Goods? Were you able to import it direct via airfreight ? Did you use an HVLP spray gun when applying it? Thanks, Bill
  23. Four of them, just up the road from Molong. 32 57.891 S 148 52.873 E. I think there may have been five. One was sold, overhauled & set off for the UK but only made it to somewhere in Asia.
  24. No - ASK 21 Mi's. See posts #22 & 23
  25. They have another 7 to sell. And there's one been operating at Mt Beauty for approx 10 years.
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