How the bureacracy works (or doesn't )
Nov 2013 The Aviation Safety Regulation Review (chaired by Forsyth) is commissioned
June 2014. Forsyth hands the report to the Governement.
Recommendation 36
The Australian Government amends regulations so that background checks and the requirement to hold an Aviation Security Identification Card are only required for unescorted access to Security Restricted Areas, not for general airside access. This approach would align with international practice.
The recommendations were handed to The Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development for review and implementation in July 2014.
As at 31 December 2015 (regarding Recommendation 36)
Action: In the first half of 2015 the Government will commence consultation with industry on any potential changes to the scope of the ASIC scheme.
Status: Industry was consulted during 2015 via a discussion paper, airport site visits and industry forums. The Department will provide advice, taking into account industry comments, on these issues, to the Government for its consideration in the first half of 2016.
As at 25 August 2016 (regarding Recommendation 36)
Action: In the first half of 2015 the Government will commence consultation with industry on any potential changes to the scope of the ASIC scheme.
Status: Completed. The Department has consulted industry and significant implementation issues have been identified. Further progress will be considered as part of a review of the current categorisation of security controlled airports.
So ....... The Department has consulted industry (would that have included RAA, AOPA, both of whom made submissions?)
...... significant implementation issues have been identified ( like what ?? )