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  1. I too had the same issue 4 years ago. Turned out that the oil seperator bottle (very much like yours) was too restrictive and caused high crank case pressure, preventing the oil from draining back. The oil is fed to the rocker cavity by pump and drains by gravity. Run the test again with the dipstick off and check the results. I later on replaced the valve guides to accept a valve seal as well. Guide holes were too large and the valve would rock inside the guides
  2. No one built a j160???
  3. Hi, I am trying to get the approval of the local CAA for building a jabiru j160 kit. Unfortunately it is not listed in the FAA approved kits so the CAA requires the manufacturer to sign the build spreadsheet. Jabiru is trying to help but will not fill it by themselves.. (not sure why) and they are trying to get a form filled by a builder. Does anyone have or know of anyone who build a j160 and will be willing to share the build spreadsheet? I will be happy to pay for a filled copy.. Liron
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