[/quote=dutchroll, post: 306868, member: 5732]
In the latest study by the ATSB on ELT effectiveness which was conducted this year (only 12 weeks ago) it was found that they functioned correctly about 40-60% of the time, but that in addition to impact damage, there were also instances of flat batteries, not arming the ELT correctly, and not installing it correctly.
I read the report. As the authors point out, the data are full of holes - hence the 40-60% range sort of statement. Their interpretation of the data is pretty reasonable given all the holes. In about 10% of crashes the ELT is how the SAR people found out about it. Also they describe a number of crashes where the ELT did not work - there was the burn/flip/drown etc problem and others that were unexplained. My reading of these was that Spidertracks would have worked - and had the SAR people on the job a lot quicker - for all of them ......
I'll park the soapbox and give this a break now :-)