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Everything posted by ianboag

  1. I finally did the round tuit thing and implemented webstats. The site gets about 100 visits/day. Not a lot.
  2. Yes I have NZ maps. PM me if you want to know more. Doubt the market extension thing. As Ian observed, the GPS market has been taken over by phones and tablets.
  3. Fixed.
  4. Caboolture Recreational Aviation have just bought it. The plane is a 160C with a 912ULS. It was converted in 2010 and used for training at Warnervale. I am told takeoff and climb are markedly improved, cruise not very different. The other way to pep up a 160 is to fit a 3300 - this has been done too. I guess that gives it more or less the same performance as a J200 - same wing, shorter but fatter body.
  5. Thanx. Now I know where to look .....
  6. That will be me decoding TIL I would guess, although it's not unknown for ARFORs to get a bit sloppy syntax-wise. ICAO ideas on ARFORs seem to be pretty loose. NZ ones look rather different to Oz ones. I look into it though. If you run ito it again, it would be good if you could cut/paste the whole ARFOR subsection including the raw gibberish. It would be a very cheap shot to suggest that BOM could easily fix this by doing the forecasts in English - like they do for the TV - and the marine areas - and everything except aviation .....
  7. I could do it, but I don't see the point. NAIPS login is free. By the time I got this all working I was sort of over it. I doubt that it would increase the income I get off the site .... :-) Sorry to disappoint. I'm happy to give my PHP code to anyone who wants to make a site that runs off a BOM feed.
  8. We first saw the thread strip/stretch thing on a solid lifter 3300 that had done about 500 hours ......
  9. And of course if the threads are near the strip point, it is possible that the threads bend a little in operation. When this happens the bolt thread gets a "Christmas tree" look. Not just a theory - we have seen it. When the thread bends, the clamp relaxes a bit. That lets the case halves move relative to each other and they fret. If they have fretted enough, then a subsequent reef-up will nip the crank. Again not just a theory - we have seen it. Replaced the through bolts, torqued to 30, nipped the crank. Engine no turn and all that - a 700 hour 3300. The other thing that happens if the clamp releases is that the pots move round a bit. You can tell this is happening if there is oil weeping round the cylinder base. If this happens, the through bolts are bent back and forth and will eventually snap at the pot/crankcase boundary. The cause is bending-back-and-forth-fatigue. If you look round the net a bit on the failure of bolted clamp joints that's more or less the universal cause. As to the use of Loctite- I am a but confused - Lycoming and Conti say that through-bolt nuts should be lubricated (engine oil is suggested) before they are torqued up .... go figure ... what would they know?
  10. This error means that you have not got the copy/paste quite right. The program is looking for the briefing UTC time in the content that has should have been pasted into the "PASTE HERE" square. I have now changed things a little so you get a slightly friendlier message that tells you the copy/paste was incomplete. Unfortunately that's about the best I can do. It's clunky, but there is no other way (that I know of) to get the data into the pemet page (unless I pay Airservices some money like Champagne does). As a bit of a clue, when you do the paste (ctrl-V on a PC) you should see a little bit of the briefing (the end of it) appear in the paste window. Usually (not always) it looks like the attached pic. Also, if you can still see the "PASTE HERE" message after you think you have pasted it in, then the paste operation has not happened. If the "PASTE HERE" message goes away but things still don't work .... open Notepad (or some other text editor) and try pasting into that. This is just to confirm that you have the "copy" bit right. When you paste into an editor you should see the entire briefing that you have selected and copied. Just a bit of finger trouble ..... perservere ... it works. PM me if the problem persists. IB
  11. Works on my iPhone too just the same
  12. I played with my iPad. I'm not really an iPad wizz. When you have the NAIPS briefing on-screen you can do the magnifying glass thing on a clear space next to the <Print> button at the top. That will give you a "marked" space that is the full width of the screen and one line deep. It has blue dot "handles" in the middle of the top and bottom lines. Pull the top line one to the top of the screen. The bottom one goes down by itself - everything is now selected and a "Copy" button appears. Tap it. Back to pemet. Hold in the "paste here" box and the magnifying glass appears. Let go and there is a "Paste" button. Tap it and then the "Translate" button.
  13. Yeah - three hours. All there in http://www.pprune.org/archive/index.php/t-246342.html
  14. What you are actually doing is .... [NAIPS] -> Select All - Copy then [PEMET] -> Paste. Mr Google tells me (look for <"select all" copy paste iPad">) you can do the select-copy-paste thing on an iPad. I confess I haven't tried it.
  15. The way this works is like this. I do not have an exact detailed spec of how the Oz weather is written. There are some significant differences between how Oz and NZ weather stuff is written. You could call different gibberish dialects [or "jeebereesh" eef one comes from Seedney 8-) ][ I would probably be accused of saying "jubberush" .] I just download reports and write code to translate them in as general a fashion as I can manage. Every so often I run into something I have not seen before which can give no translation (that's easy because it stays in caps), a wrong translation (altitudes and visibilities can get confused) or something else that throws an error. An example is that yesterday's Tamworth ATIS was just a plain message saying the tower was closed - it didn't have a "WIND" or "QNH" or any other tag. It threw an error. Every other ATIS I had seen had tags for all the content. I sorted it and maybe I'll never see that again. Who knows? ATIS rules are probably pretty vague. I just keep plugging at it on and off - when I find something not-quite-right I fix it. I think there's not much left to do but I have thought that for a while. Naturally if you read my translation and it's wrong and you crash it's not my problem. Come to think of it, if you manually translate the gibberish (wrongly) and crash that's not Airservice's problem. And if the forecast is wrong and you translate it properly and crash that's not BOM's problem. It's a funny old world. IB
  16. ATIS works now too ..... I also fixed some long-standing errors in the old one about the handling of TTF METARs. All good now AFAIK. When you find a word in caps like ... at heights in EXCESS of .... that's because it's a word I haven't seen before and I need to add it to the dictionary. That is relatively uncommon these days but not unknown. IB
  17. Be patient. :cheezy grin:I'll get it better .....
  18. OK guys. Cut #1 of the new one is all there at www.pemet.com.au. The HTML is truly ugly because I'm not an HTML person. I will get it tarted up in due course. At the moment it doesn't do ATIS but it will. I'm sick of testing it at present - so - try it - let me know what's wrong or could be improved. I know there's some polish needed on caps and paras and stuff ....
  19. OK experts - I need a bit more help - here is a snip from an ARFOR overview. What are 24Z and 00Z? Both mean "midnight" .... In this situation, should I decode 24Z as "whatever midnight UTC translates to" and put <tomorrow> or <tomorrow's date>on it. I can do "hhZ" as "24th 11am" all the time. Bit clunky but probably the right thing. AMEND AREA FORECAST 111700 TO 120500 ... E OF MVI/YCOM TILL 24Z, THEN NE OF YWWL/YAS/YMRY AFTER 00Z.
  20. I bought a dinky little electronic slip/skid thingo from Spruce - try "belite turn coordinator" in your search engine. I don't know why anyone would bother with a steam one these days. All those moving parts ....
  21. The pemet round-tuit is finally happening. Some loose ends - can someone please refresh my memory -about what the 01/04 in Area QNH 01/04 means. We don't have it in NZ ones ..
  22. Stay at the beach got extended by a few days as the fish are running so well and grandchildren refuse to go home etc. Plus some deferred house maintenance. End of this month looks a little ambitious but early in Feb should work. I'm keen to get to it, but life has these other pressures ... :-(
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