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    Henderson, NV
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  1. Thanks so much for the detailed information! Yeah charter airline seems cheaper in this case.
  2. Thanks all! I found a place that does trial flights so I will go ahead and try that soon!
  3. Yeah I think I will drive there this weekend to check it out in real after doing around 1000 virtual landings there in the past year or so 🙂
  4. Hi! Thanks for the hint, I didn’t know that 🙂
  5. That sounds exciting! Yeah I always was wondering as a kid how it would be to be in one of them when I watched them, but I’m a little too scared for a glider 🙂 I think I have to start with something smaller first (and something with an engine) and get my feet wet 🙂
  6. Hi Bruce! Gliders sound like fun! I grew up in Germany where we had lots of these gliders with massive wingspans that got pulled up by smaller piston planes, I often went to the airport field there to watch them take off 🙂
  7. Hi, not sure if this is the right place to ask, but if not please let me know where the correct place is 🙂 I am in need of picking up my child (11) every couple months from Merced and bring him to Henderson, NV. Driving is really taxing 🙂 on the kid (and me) so I am wondering if there is a way to get a 172 or similar incl pilot chartered for that trip, and how much that would cost. Please pm me if anybody has information, or let me know here please 🙂 Thanks! Natalia
  8. Hi all! I am interested in maybe starting to get my professional pilot license soon, but is there a way to do a 'test' flight in a Cessna 152 or similar to see if thats the right thing for me? I have done a lot of flights in Flight Sim 2020 and XPLANE 11 with motion rig, VR and on expert settings with yoke and throttle quadrant and I would like to try this 'for real' but not sure yet if a small plane like that would make me too queasy. 🙂 Anyways, hi from Henderson, NV!!!! Natalia
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