Hi guys,
As usual, your replies have been very helpful. Thank you.
I plan to use them as hinges for my rudder. David Melby posted details of his setup, and I'm wanting to copy his arrangement.
This is the part fixed to the tailstock. The rod-end bearing attaches to the rudder (fastened with a nut plate) and fits between the two angles. I plan to use two of these. Here's what he says about it:
"My new rudder hinge. The half of the hinge attached to the tail post is made from 1/8" alum angle, and the other half that is attached to the rudder spar is a rod end bearing. I am using one with a 5/16" dia. shaft, and a 1/4" dia hole. The rod end has a swivelling bearing, which makes a great hinge. The rudder moves without any friction at all.
Since the nuts holding the hinges will be hidden, I used self-aligning nut plates. the top hinge has 2 3/16" bolts and the bottom hinge has four. I used #2 stainless screws to hold the nut plates in place."
The sizes he mentions aren't set in stone, I think. So, as long as the rod end and nut plate threads match, and the thread is long enough to go through the 15mm thick spar of the rudder and screw completely into the thread of the nut plate, I'll be fine. My initial request for 8mm rod ends was based more on the length of the threaded section than anything else.
Sorry for not providing the full details to begin with.