To be honest I am just kicking around ideas. I don’t have much contact with other Taylor Mono owners as they all seem to live on the other side of the UK from me. So as my build progresses, just trying to see what other people think. It’s part of the fun of the build 😁
I am not so sure. It’s a 10% reduction in span but if I can keep the weight under control then the wing loading will be less than that. Why does John Taylor mention it on the plans? He must have done the numbers and was happy with it.
Here’s a thought, anyone know of a short wingspan mono? JT states on the plans that the wing can be reduced by 1 bay (12.5 inches) from the tip. Ailerons stay the same. The stall speed will increase, roll rate a bit quicker? A little lighter?
I have yet to start on the VS, but will look at using the hinge bolts to secure it. I will have a tail skid, lots of grass strips around here and will save a little weight. Cable routing….as you say the rudder should be straight forward but the elevator I am trying not to think about 😂😂
That’s a good thought, I was thinking of separate bolts for the vertical stab but combining them with the hinge is a good idea. I have the balsa for gap sealing, so that will go on in the next few days.
Just having a celebration cup of tea (I am British). Hinges made and rudder on with no binding or play - and it’s straight! Yes there is more to do, but you have to take the wins when they come 😁.
Hi Don,
No not yet. I will get the rudder and elevator on after I have finished the hinges and then use some string to see just how big a problem I have got!
The vertical stab, which was with the project when I bought it is for the trash. Badly built and is a very poor git. Interesting you mention roll over protection. A couple of weeks ago I was at the UK’s Air Accident Investigation Branch (equivalent to your NTSB) and the question of roll over protection came up in a discussion about a couple of accidents. How did you incorporate protection into the fin?
Hi Don,
I was going to use a laser for getting the hinges aligned. Just started cutting out the metal for the hinges. It’s the small jobs that take the time 😄
As this is a partially completed project, I have undo some of what has been damaged or built wrong. Today is the rudder post, cracked with 2 big wood screws holding it together! Just 4 mortice joints, no problem except they are coming together at several different angles, nothing square 😩 but it is done, not glued yet and it’s vertical!