Garry I think you make some very good points about the future of recreational flying, the article "Tough Times" in the latest Sport Pilot is similar. I've read this sort or thing before unrelated to aviation, that the baby boomer generation has a high disposable income but the following generations ie our children have huge mortgages etc to pay off and some forecasters say that the future personal disposable income will decline. An indicator of this is the housing trend in SE Qld which has been for years now small houses on very small lots to try to get them more affordable but still need a big mortgage. Interestingly the majority of young people I meet in my work have little interest in big boys toys and are more interested in living closer to the city where the action is. They also didn't grow up with post war stories, books, movies etc that featured flying, and have grown up with technology and entertainment. Apparently a Play Station and on line games sitting at home on the couch is still cool when you are in your late twenties.
Others will have observations about different regions and have a different opinion.
Back to flying, we now have a market full of high performance LSA's, lots of expensive avionics etc but the cost is very high.
Every flyin I've been to, grey haired middle aged men are by far the majority, very few young people.
I think that you are on to something, looking for the next market wave to come over and perhaps not trying to compete with the huge selection of imported LSA's - simple strong safe aircraft that are less expensive to buy and run.
Choices like your Super Diamond trailerable with removable longer wings and modest hp so it's not fast maybe 70kts but can still be used to fly point to point,ie to the weekend flyin or a mates place but does have some soaring ability.
What do others think?