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  • Aircraft
    Savannah S
  • Location
    South Lakeland FLORIDA
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  1. Thanks again for the suggestions, these do help. It's the little areas that are easily overlooked
  2. Thank you all for the replies I will continue looking....
  3. Hello from sunny Florida! I finally got my S up in the air without the overheating issue. She is a wonderful flying aircraft! I have a whistling sound that I cannot locate so I thought I would ask the forum if you encountered a similar issue and where it was located, and how you were able to remedy it. Many thanks again and again Bryan
  4. I will do just that after several more test flights, thanks
  5. Flying two up in my Savannah is requiring nearly full down at 70 mph similar to your Savannah, thanks
  6. Thanks for the response. I am needing more than a few bars but it is good to know that down trim IS necessary
  7. I have finally been successful in getting my first 40 mins of flight 😁. I had issues with overheating but I believe to have solved it. coolant pump. My question for the group is regarding level flight and elevator trim. At 70 mph, level flight, I am needing to use about 90% of my Down trim. My MAC 29% to 30% right in the middle as required. Is your Savannah like this? With down trim? If not, then how much trim are you needing to set? can I compensate with more down thrust at the engine mount? As always, thank you for your support! Bryan
  8. I agree on the excessive slot width for the bolt size. Truly appreciate the heads up on this potential issue
  9. I really wanted to use the Zenith pucks or the Viking springs but that would have required me to change ALL support brackets for the nose gear. So I'm stuck with the Bungee
  10. I reviewed the parts list for the 701 and it showed just one circular plate at the top to be bolted on. I believe the difference in the two designs is at the lower support. The 701 nose gear rides on the elastomeric centering block whereas the S rides on the upper axial bearing. Correct me if I am wrong.
  11. SM025 installed as per the manual so i thought. In hind sight, the SM025 should be as flat as possible so the two A5 rivets nned to be removed. the foward edge of shelf needs is also contributing to the tilt of the SM025 not good.
  12. The top of the nose gear tube is not square to the shelf. The forward is lower than the aft by about 1/8 inch. The other builder hear stated that his nose gear was similar, not square to the shelf. The top of the nose gear is not flush with the shelf either. It currently sticks up about 1/16 in the front above the shelf which is SM025. When all other parts are in place and tightened down, this will preload the nose gear tube. I have a thought that the powder coating may have caused this issue. I had to grind the upper and lower metal supports to get the nose gear to slide up and down. The bearing could have been binding on the nose gear tube as it moved up and down.
  13. Here's what the original install looked like as proof that I installed it correctly. LOL
  14. What if SF327-4 were thicker/stronger, would this prevent this from reoccurring? Why do we use this roller bearing in the first place? It does not seem to be designed for IMPACT loading.
  15. This is a pic of the top of the nose gear tube (lots of grease)where SF327-4 is bolted So the impact of the nose gear tube retracting from the bungee tension deformed SF327-4 enough to allow the top bearing plate/ring SM003 to slide aft exposing the bearing.
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