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Everything posted by BC0979

  1. IBob, Thank you for your response. Yes, I have completed both wings, ailerons, rudder and elevator without relocating any holes. The precise alignment of over 400+ holes is amazing. It is surprising that such a simple door support requires crude adjustment by grinding an 1/8 inch or so off the aluminum bracket. These end brackets seem very thick for the non-structural application. Seems that a piece of bent sheet metal like the one on the trailing edge of the wing tip would have been adequate, but I have not operated the doors so I will find out then.
  2. I am having an issue with the Fitment of the door support on both wings. Not having assembled a finished Savannah S before I do not know if I should grind off some of the brackets to make it fit. This is the root door support and page from THE MANUAL The trailing edge of the support brackets protrudes and prevents the sheet metal from alignment with the holes. You can see that the 2 factory alignment holes are off, about 1/2 hole out. ***Should I grind off the metal brackets to get the holes to align? I assume that we want the door support to follow the contour of the wing bottom skin to clear the doors. OR is it not that critical and I should just drill 2 new starter holes? I also noticed that one wing has A3 holes while the other has A4 holes. Don't understand that one either. If someone could be kind enough to unconfuse me, it would be greatly appreciated. Bryan
  3. Viking offers 3.0 or 1.75 gallon aluminum header tanks https://www.vikingaircraftengines.com/new-products I will option for the 3 gallon. At 5 gallon per hour burn, should give me 3 hours easy with plenty of safety margin.
  4. Your info has been very helpful. I will be installing a Viking 130 and using their header tank so I will route both vent lines to the trailing edge of the wing near the supply line. The kit #1 has an assortment of corregated tubes which are long enough for my purpose. Thanks again for the response. Best regards Bryan
  5. Kyle Thank you for the response and the link to your build. This will be very very helpful going forward. I tried to search this forum for a Savannah build earlier without success. Thanks again. Bryan
  6. I have both wing structures completed and now working on installing the skins and of course the fuel tank on the right wing. The manual is lacking and certainly not up to date. I was smart enough not to drill any holes in the tank as yet because the fittings would not align with the existing holes that we are suppose to use in routing the fuel lines. ***I will definitely need to relocate the holes/fittings in the tank My question is as follows: 1. Where do the supply and return/vent lines exit the wing. One pic Chap 24 pic#13 shows at the trialing edge of RIB1 BUT Chap 24 pic#16 shows it exiting just behind the spar at RIB1. Your help would be greatly appreciated.
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