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    Avid Speedflyer
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    New Zealand

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  1. Mate, In my experience premiums don't go down unless there is competition. Insurance is a business not a charity. if a customer is willing to pay X one year, they sure as hell will not lower it for them next year just because others are also willing to pay through the nose. They will just charge everyone the maximum they can until someone undercuts them.
  2. The Viscount lives on. I love it. Caravans near as old as me. I am hoping to leave the wings on as the Avid wings fold easily. But they do make it wide. I'll check the internal width on some old vans. Cheers
  3. Hi all, it took some doing and some great advice from the folks here but hull insurance is possible for two newbies in NZ with a 2 stroke tail dragger. The Crombie Lockwood folks found Agile aviation for us. It's not cheap at 4k a year but I'm sure that would go down after we rack up the appropriate magic number of hours. Their third party is a bit steep at 500 bucks. I hope other newbies can find this thread as I am sure there will be others come along in the same boat and it might help. JENNI HELLYER NZCERTFINSERV BROKER - AVIATION | +64 27 486 4141 | crombielockwood.co.nz [email protected] 211 Commerce Street Kaitaia PO Box 72622, Papakura 2244
  4. Hi all, I need to build a trailer. I'd prefer it to be boxed so it is a portable hangar. Has anyone built one or trailed theirs? I am chasing some true dimensions. It appears that folded the speed wings are 2.43m wide. Some say the fuselage has to be level to trailer . Some say not even when on a flatbed and exposed to the wind. if I can load it level then i can have the box wider at wing height and narrow close to wheels for those narrow New Zealand guardrails on bridges. I'd love to hear from folk who have actually done it. Cheers
  5. For new landing gear Hatz gear
  6. Proof that horsepower fixes everything 🙂
  7. In that thing with blue people. Also the Americans are doing it I saw recently for VTOL
  8. yep. though it is really expensive and not terribly good. It didn't make that much difference to yachts to justify the maintenance. Ships though, another story
  9. Thanks John, I have filled out the form and sent it through. Never know., We need a similar system like Go compare. Fill in the BS once and let them come chase us as the customer.
  10. Scrappy's, fan boat prop certainly looks the meaty. Bit short on top end performance but you can climb a wall by all accounts.
  11. They look very flat compared to the boat props. maybe that makes a difference? I know some talented folks with 4d fluid modelling that could tell us
  12. Yeah mate. Three of them. useless.
  13. It is a very cool idea. If it works in water then there is a chance it would work in air as well. Make it from carbon fiber?
  14. Many thanks for the recommendation Onetrack. I have secured at least third party through these folks for a couple of hundred NZ dollars which at least covers a million worth of damage if I clip a private jet. They won't do hull insurance untill 150hrs which is excessive but at least it is a start. So there you have it folks. It can be done with a little help from the flying community, and looking outside NZ for insurers. If everyone moves their insurance OS then maybe the local companies will come back into line and start covering again.
  15. Thanks very much for that info. I will look them up and let everyone know if it is successful.
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