Anyone who can contain themselves to rate 1 turns in a SportStar is a model of self control. Personally, I've got used very quickly to 80 degree banked turns "because I can".
She is such a beautiful little aircraft and makes me feel like a fighter ace.
Today was a good test. Wind 180 at 14 kts on the ground. Runway 21, so only a few kts of left x-wind for takeoff. At about 300 feet we ran into a washing machine of shear. I found full aileron each side several times, and I estimate the wind at 500 feet as about 50 kts. Definitely NOT fun, but the SportStar handled it with aplomb. I was NOT having fun, and I was VERY glad to get back into ground effect for landing.
Still, it was a great experience, and I was delighted with the way little "Dimples" handled herself in bloody rough conditions.