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Everything posted by patrick55

  1. http://www.airliners.net/photo/Untitled/Beech-58-Baron/4965033
  2. After all these years I found the video - Ha ha ha - I'm sure some will still argue its "Authenticity" - Enjoy!
  3. Agreed 100% ! I think this post turned more into whether or not the image was authentic or not. I don't think it was very wise but either way, it's does make me look on in amazement...
  4. Hey Spin I wonder if all the "Photoshop Wizards" can deny this evidence I managed to dig up, I reckon captain Tarr was also brilliant at special effects hahahaha. Have a look.... :)
  5. Ok thanks for clearing that up, I will have a look and see what is available and will take a 7" if they are available.
  6. Hi Ian Will this unit only work in Australia or can maps from other countries be loaded onto it ? Thanks
  7. Sorry to hear that Neil, I hope you find them and more importantly get your stuff back !
  8. Well done Pete !!!!
  9. Does anyone have any of the relevant links for info on the RAAF accident, can't seem to dig up any details ?
  10. Well done !!!
  11. I've seen that one a few times before, very tragic, I would love to know about all the problems with the A320 that they say may have caused the crash !
  12. I agree with you completely farri, it would be wonderful if all pilots could demonstrate that level of control. In my opinion, Darryl Tarr is an extremely talented and skilled aviator, (He is well known/respected for his flying endeavors that side of the world). Most people's first reaction is to not believe what they see, I don't understand why it is so unbelievable either? Just a pilot showcasing the ability of the plane although not leaving ANY room for error.
  13. That wasn't the same airshow at charles prince Magnet, that was the one in 93 (with the red arrow display) when the air zim pilot did a low pass with a full load of passengers on a commercial flight- BIG TROUBLE for that. quick question spin, were you in the SAAF ?
  14. Yes, John Miller took the photo, hopefully hear back from someone soon. I'm trying to get hold of the video but think its a bit of a long shot ! A friend of mine is good friends with an Emirates captain and is going to see if he can get in touch with Darryl.
  15. I spoke to a current Air Zim pilot last night who is going to try and put me in touch with the photographer. Just a waiting game now !
  16. Hey guys, some interesting thoughts here, maybe I did not word this one right. I was meaning to ask for thoughts on whether you thought this was performed by a pilot who is very skilled or just downright stupid. Not whether it was fake or not. I know what I witnessed but I can also see where people would question the photo (it is not of the best quality and originated a very long time ago). However, I don't think a respected captain would take the time to fabricate that whole story just for the sake of it either. I am trying to get hold of the video but can't say how long that will take ! I appreciate all of your views and understand there is not a lot of information regarding the event. Will post new info as it is sent to me !
  17. Here it is !
  18. Next time you walk past EB games, have a peek inside and you can have a look at one, think they have a competition and each store is giving one away !
  19. Some great pics, Spin, thanks !
  20. It is actually as real as can be, I was at the airshow in 95 when he did it, albeit as a youngster. http://www.avcom.co.za/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=40464 There were a lot of rumors circulating due to the unauthorized flyby in the '93 airshow. The above link gives a little more information.
  21. [ATTACH]13145.vB[/ATTACH] What are your thought on this ? THE FACTS FROM THE HORSES MOUTH Gentlemen, My name is Darryl Tarr and I am the pilot of the Air Zimbabwe Boeing 707-330B doing the "fly-past". At the time I was a Senior Type Rating Examiner on the B707 fleet for Air Zimbabwe. There were in-fact TWO air shows held at Charles Prince Airport (west of Harare). The first air show was in May 1993 and the second air show was in May 1995. I demonstrated the B707 at both of these air shows, my flying display was identical except for the 1995 air show where I flew a little lower. Here are some details: 1. Three Crew members only on-board (Flight Engineer, First Officer, and myself) 2. Non- Revenue Flight (or non-commercial flight as some prefer) 3. 12,000 KGs of Fuel (2.0 hours endurance) 4. Vref Approach Speed Flaps 40 was 116 Knots (I was flying at 125 Knots) 5. Radio Altimeter 30 feet, allowing for the fact that when we Go-Around and rotate towards +15 degrees the aircraft will get lower (as depicted in the photo, the aircraft is climbing) 6. High Speed Fly Past (which is not shown here), was at the Barbers Pole of 375 KIAS (due to the density altitude at Harare True Air Speed was 400 Kts) For both air shows I was authorized to display the aircraft as we had planned, briefed, and scrutinized. Unfortunately during the air show in 1993 an Air Zimbabwe Boeing 767-200ER on a Commercial Flight (revenue flight), from HRE to JNB did an UNORTHORIZED fly past with passengers on-board. Its a real can of worms but at that time my UNCLE (same surname) was infact the Chief Pilot of the Company and he got into trouble for the method by which disciplinary measures were planned for the Captain of the B767. Unfortunately as we all know the media never get the facts right and published that a certain Captain Tarr was in trouble for an illegal fly past. As it turned out not many people saw the B767 fly past as it was early in the morning, and yet my display was at midday being the highlight of the show. Just to re-emphasize that my fly past was 100% LEGAL and authorized. YES, i did have some words with a SAA Captain afterwards but there was no malicious intent and also no flight safety issues between the Company, DCA, and my crew. YES, Wrex Tarr is my father and unfortunately he is no longer with us. I am currently a Senior Type Rating Examiner for Emirates Airline on the Boeing 777. I have been living in Dubai for just over 10 years having left Air Zimbabwe in 1998. I spent almost 5 years as a Captain on the B707, then a little over 2 years as a Captain on the 767 before joining Emirates. Do I miss the B707, HELL YEAH, lets just say that as far as older generation aircraft are concerned I think it was the "best ever", a fantastic aircraft that I could do things with that no other aircraft comes close to (although the Piper Super Cub was hard to beat but I am refering to Commercial Jetliners that I have flown). Would I do the identical fly-past again: Well with the way that aviation has changed World over, NO. But I have no regrets, I had excess energy management and the display did go according plan. Actually growing up in Zimbabwe from an aviation perspective was fantastic. I started flying at a very young age and was a B737 Captain at the age of 24, and a B707 Captain at 26. Today I still fly to JNB several times a year when operating the B777-300ER with Emirates and do love to do this flight as its like returning to your back garden. Anyway if there is any other information you guys want just email me: [email protected] I do have the full 1993 display on video. Regards, Capt Darryl Tarr Type Rating Examiner B777 Emirates Airline
  22. Hi Dazza I believe it did have the safety cables but they were not installed properly. Poor guy, I was there when they did the initial flight testing and I don't think I have seen a happier man ! Not quite sure how it was approved for flight without the cables being checked.
  23. Bit of a bad week in Zimbabwe (Back home), The guy who owns the bushbaby took 8 years to complete his build and after 3 hours flight time, his gear collapsed while TAXIING ! Also, a Lambada went down, Propeller feathered at low level (possible pilot error I think), plane pretty much a write off but thank god noone was injured in either accident. Will post pics of Lambada soon ! [ATTACH]13139.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]13140.vB[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]13141.vB[/ATTACH]
  24. I still can't decide, extreme would be fun but not sure if thats how I would like to spend my last flight (under extreme g's etc)
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