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Everything posted by patrick55

  1. If you had to pick ANY aircraft in which to have a final flight in, which would it be ?
  2. Here is something similar from Zimbabwe Daniel Chingoma's Crazy Copter Dream
  3. So sorry to hear the sad news BigPete, my condolences are with you !
  4. Thanks for that, will shoot him a PM now. keep them coming. P.s. you are very lucky to have the best plane in the world :-)
  5. Hey flighty, just curious as to what camera and mounting you are using for all your videos? they are fantastic and nice angles !
  6. Hey Tomo, sorry I couldnt get down to YCAB to come say hi last weekend, has been a hectic time for me. will have to catch up soon, when are you back there?
  7. Great, thanks, I will be coming down to YCAB tomorrow(hopefully) and will chat to you then, thanks again.
  8. Is anyone flying into Dalby from Caboolture (or close to) and have a spare seat, I would share the cost happily ?
  9. http://www.recreationalflying.com/forum/vbtube_show.php?do=tube&tubeid=469&name=crazy-aerobatics#watch
  10. Tomo, do you know what fuel they run on? is it a crude oil fuel?
  11. That is INCREDIBLE !
  12. very helpful insight Sue, thanks !
  13. Hey dave How many hours are you at now? Just curious!
  14. Thanks guys, just ordered my Xcom cable. will check it out shortly. I could probably use my iphone to record transmissions and then edit it in final cut afterwards, never thought about that but thanks all the same, hope to have some videos up soon
  15. I think its probably worth my while to head up to Boonah this weekend and have a look around at the Aeroclub there. Will try head down on Sat morning and check it out. Thanks Monty !
  16. I was wondering how to connect a video/action camera to the intercom so as to hear all transmissions when recording the video. What extras would I need and how is it all set up? Looking to buy a camera this week and I just want to make sure I get one that is compatible. Thank you in advance !
  17. I went up to Caboolture and had a chat with the guys at PROSKY, great bunch and I quite like the Tecnam Echo, so I think I will start my flying with them next week ! Looking forward to it and thanks for your suggestions !
  18. Seems I was trained in a similar fashion, never have your hand far from the throttle. Thanks for clearing that up for me !
  19. Hey guys, a quick question to those of you who fly sportys, I have noticed in a few videos when taking off, the pilot pushes the throttle to full power and then removes his hand from the throttle completely and seems he might be using the right hand on the control stick. Is there a mechanism that locks the throttle into position when it is on full power? I learnt in a savvy and my instructor drilled it into me that I should ALways have my hand on the throttle (to ensure it doesn't start slowly coming back out, or to be able to adjust it accordingly when needed) until reaching circuit height. Is this just an extra precaution or is the sporty engineered so that can be done without any problems? When I saw the video I just cringed and thought "what are you doing" but then again, I have ZERO experience in the sportstars and just wanted to find out. Excuse my ignorance !
  20. Thank god both passengers were able to walk away, it's a shame about the plane but there will always be another plane to fly!
  21. Unbelievable, what a beautiful aircraft ! Well Done.
  22. Hey guys Looking for any spare seats around Brissie/Goldie sunshine coast areas, havent been up in Australia yet and wouldnt mind sharing the costs with anyone that would be kind enough to take me along. Currently studying for my RaAus cert and have got many hours as passneger in various light aircraft. Look forward to hearing from you !
  23. Wow, very quick responses, Thanks guys, I will go have a look at those places this weekend and make a decision. I cant wait to get in the air here, suffering from serious withdrawals...
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