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Everything posted by Wangaratta

  1. I too will be applying, you still have a little while yet. It's late December, early January when new applications forms are out and applications due. http://www.raa.asn.au/students/gyfts.html < all the information you need.
  2. To the best of my knowledge it will continue, they will atleast have the funds to run the program.
  3. Personally, overall I like the new magazine. I believe as a young aviator, that the new make-up/cover of the magazine would appeal to more people (rather than the old bland 'boring' cover'). I haven't actually read the entire magazine, but from what I've seen, I find the new layout of the magazine great, and more in ways interesting. Although, yes the classifieds being cropped actually doesn't look that great. There is a lot of talk about too many advertisements within the magazine, I don't mind them, I actually think they are good because the magazine is really meant to promote everything Recreational Aviation, and in doing so advertisements allow the ability for business and services to be seen by RAA Members and the general public who buy the magazine, therefore promoting Recreational Aviation. But yes, there needs to be a balance of good content also. But so far, thumbs up. -JACK
  4. If only there were more councils like them, particularly in my town would be great :P
  5. Yeah, Dec/Jan Issue. The blue bag is like one of those re-usable shopping bags with The RA-Aus Logo on both sides. I don't know if everyone else got it.
  6. Mine arrived this morning. Along with my Calendar, Safety Insert & RA-Aus Blue Tote Bag.
  7. Just wondering.. I got a subscription to the magazine (even though I'll be starting lessons soon, and a subscription is included in the membership/license fee :P) for Christmas along with the September issue from my aunty. So, will I get the December/January issue?
  8. Hello Hogan, I'd defiantly go speak to your local flight training facility. I'm only 15, and have decided I wanted to get my RA-Aus Certificate after flying commercially and a lot of online research. One of the first things I did when the new flight training operators came to Wangaratta (after the previous one closed) was orgainsed a meeting with an Instructor (This wasn't really hard for me as there is only one organisation on Wangaratta that does flight training, Haha) she was very nice and went through a lot of my options, and being able to build a plan to my budget, time, ect. She suggest if my budget was tight I could fly 30mins a week or something. But I decided to keep looking for jobs, which I have finally acquired now, and have started to save (quite quickly may I say) so I'll be up there in no time. BUT Back to topic about bookwork and stuff,there is theory components and this lady instructor said I could start theory classes or even do some exams before I start actual flying lessons so what I did was purchased a Basic Aeronautical Knowledge Theory Book from them, and have been reading through little bits at a time. So that I will have some understanding. So you could start theory now, purchase and have a read of the BAK Book and even if you like start exams. But go have a talk to the local flight training organisation, and see what they have to say and offer. Not sure if that helped, but hopefully it did, haha. -Jack
  9. Wangaratta recently got a Tecnam Eaglet, with the new flight training operators. Can't wait to start training next year...for now I`m still saving. Haha. |)
  10. Great Job, I really liked the video. I'll have to rig on of those up onto the aircraft, when I have lessons in the future. :D
  11. I think that is what they are trying to do at Wangaratta with that Freight Hub or something.
  12. Happy birthday (:
  13. I once wanted to be a Pilot in the RAAF going through ADFA then onto Pilot Training, or whatever. But was deterred because I am really not good at Maths and Maths is a major requirement, so it seems. But after seeing 'The First Six Weeks' series of podcasts I still think ADFA would be great. I'm contemplating to try to become a Logistics Officer in the RAAF through ADFA getting a Bachelor of Business. I'm not 100% sure but I think I read they read your reports from like year 9 or 10 to year 12. And leadership is really important in becoming a Airforce Officer so I have taken a few leaderships within school and the community, as it seems I have had quiet a lot of leadership roles within primary school and have decided to take on some leadership roles this year in year 9, just incase it is an advantage. But yeah, if you really want it, work hard! :D
  14. That's good! Hope to see you there sometime soon.. just need to get a job and to start saving !
  15. Curious.. approximately how much does it cost to build?
  16. Hello Terry, I wasn't sure if there was to be a new operator coming or not, but you have just confirmed my thoughts, thanks! Good news to hear flight training will commence once again sometime soon. I need to get a part-time job soon to start saving (also thinking of applying for a flight training scholarship called 'GYFTS' from the RA-Aus)! I'm sure the Wang Aero Club is a great club to be apart of and plenty of tireless effort has been put in to what it is today, hopefully some day I will be apart of this (:! The infrastructure of the whole Wangaratta Airport is looking a bit tired and I need of a repaint or an upgrade of some sort, I don't really know? This is probably due to I guess lack of Council Support and funding? Unfortunately. Hope to see you out there sometime soon, hopefully in the sky! -Jack
  17. Mazda: They haven't said why, only what is on the website.I've sent them a email to find out why. Yenn: Well there was Wang Aero Club then there was a different sector of it called Wangaratta Flight Training Centre which provided RA-Aus & GA Flying tuition. For some reason it is closing down. I'm not sure how they will get future members. They may be looking for different people to run the flying tuition sector or something, I have no clue.. hopefully the email I sent them will explain it all.
  18. I was saddened today to read that my local training school will be closed down; Wangaratta Flight Training Centre. Although, Wangaratta Aero Club will still be running, there will be no flight training unfortunately. That means for me an Aviation Enthusiast and hopeful RA-Aus Pilot in the future, I will have to travel elsewhere to get flying tuition. Fro what I understand of it. I have sent them an email for more information about the closure and possible flight training in future, I will let you know of the outcome. I was notified this from their website (To all members and interested parties of the Wangaratta Aero Club | Wangaratta Flight Training Centre), it read: Hopefully flight training will start up in the near future,
  19. Woo! I am 15 and 12 days, haha. But haven't even reached 1 hours worth of training yet! So what an achievement.. I wish I was in your shoes. I need to start saving for lessons! Any donations are kindly accepted, haha. Well done!
  20. Back to studying please.
  21. Wish they had this in Wangaratta!
  22. Haha. That's awesome. The interior sweet!
  23. Hmm, I'm not sure. i might read into it. the fighter jets aren't on my #1 fly, but i guess you don't really get a chose, the VIP 737 looks interesting. I think logistic officer sound interesting but not sure what thye actually do 100%. im also interested in administration officer.
  24. We all have a little Stalker in us!
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