this dissolved. An older gentleman asked me to help him sell these online, but he then went completely silent. All I had was an email address... so I don't know what happened. Maybe he perished.
Thanks, those will be changed. I've been in touch with ICP Italy regarding ordering a set of AN scres/bolts/nuts and have sent more than a few emails the last months... "tecnico" is helpful and always replies "I will forward to sales" but I never get any reply from sales 😕
Thanks Bob, can you please elaborate on "the arrangement". Eager to learn.
Just a little add on: I recently read, contrary to my experience and what I was taught so far (low power = carb heat on) that acc. to physics the low pressure (and subsequently the cold temp in the carb) is highest at high power settings.
Anyway, is the engine compartment of my Savannah sufficiently warm enough to avoid carb ice?
My Savannah Rotax installation does not carb heat. The air cooler inlet scoop and cooling screen is behind the cabin. Is carb ice not a factor? Or why omit carb heat?
I purchased a used GRT EIS 4000 for my Rotax 912 80hp.
It includes connectors, oil pressure and oil temp transducers, however no probes.
Which probes (from GRT, or also others?) can I fit to the engine?
Thanks for your help!
PS: Reason for the GRT EIS 4000 is I have an iLevil AW and it accepts the GRG EIS 4000 data via RS232.
Thank you for pointing out my AD misunderstanding.
ICP says the parts for my plane were manually cut ("hand built") vs. later models that were cut using CNC.