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Everything posted by Pat

  1. For lack of a better category, posting this here. Is there a helmet that is suitable for flying that allows wearing typical headsets underneath (i.e. the headset is not fixed integrated into the helmet)? Thank you!
  2. Thanks. I am getting conflicting info regarding removing the Slats in lieu of VGs. Local distributor says structural reinforcements required... I'm aware and in touch with the expert from down under who is also a member here.
  3. One has to think about it, yes. It's not too bad in good VMC if one follows the valleys and keeps some height margin. If one would really be able to pull off a forced landing in spite of all the cables, obstacles, uneven topography etc.. is another story and greatly depends on the exact location it would be required. You can see the flight in 3D here There are published "GAFOR" routes with weather forecast and so called "reference altitudes" (highest elevation +/- 600meters laterally) along the valleys and passes.
  4. Hi all! My name is Pat and I bought a 2000 ICP Savannah MXP-740. The one with Slats (or Slots?). It is ~735 times lighter than the heaviest plane I've flown (that one I didn't own though), so I'm still adjusting 😄. Just completed the 420NM ferry trip home, including crossing (or better said, slaloming through) the Alps. "Thanks" to headwinds the avg. GS was a mighty 50kts (ask my sore back about it). Greatly appreciate the advice and answers to the many questions that will arise from you all on how to fly and maintain this plane and its 80hp Rotax. Thanks and great as well as safe flights to everyone! Pat
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