Hello All, Just a thank you to all who made the effort to come. It was a stunningly successful weekend. The Friday night social get together
in the "Padre's Hangar" was great, 80 kg of fresh yabbies were consumed along with various camp oven stews and salads and damper,all
washed down with a very modest quantity of ales, wine, and soft drinks. Saturday saw a display of old and new aircraft , including the DHA3,
Drover, used by the Australian Aerial Medical Services, forerunner to the RFDS. The Loacal RFDS base was also thrown open to
the public and was a great attraction with over 1500 people from town taking advantage of this.
Saturday evening at the iconic Silverton Hotel was again brilliant with a superb buffet dinner followed by and auction raising over $7400
for the RFDS. Our guest speaker, Capt David Evans ,(check Capt on QF32) had everyone spell bound and thanks to David for making the effort.
we had 84 aircraft fly from all over Aus to make the event. The longest flight was from PNG ,a great effort. Unfortunately weather prevented
5 from overseas (TAS) coming. Again thanks to all who made this a great 75th Anniversary.
Bruce Nevill
Secretary Aero Club of Broken Hill.