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Everything posted by BPN

  1. Shame they don't seem to be able to fix the problems of a gr8 product
  2. Next time in YBHI call in at the aero club. You will be most welcome. We have morning tea every day except Sunday 10am. Always a good chat.
  3. I know the instructor, both ok
  4. Safety is the responsibility of each and every individual, no ifs not buts . We have all the tools in the world to assist us including "human factors" training to make considered and informed decisions. At the end of the day we make our own choices. (comply or break the rules and a few in between) CASA is the policeman. Do the crime do the time. My experiences with CASA checks have found them fair and reasonable.
  5. Thanks I also now have a phone number
  6. I believe there is an ALA at Beechworth Vic. Can some one confirm this for me and if so provide info as to who operates it so I can contact them as I would like to plan a trip to this region. Thanks Bruce
  7. Gday mate, how goes it? Only three weeks left here then of to the Hill. Cannot wait. Hows Donna? How the flyinh? We both well but I had inner ear prob kept me grounded for short time but ok now. Regards Bruce
  8. Gday Ian, I saw in one of your earlier messages that you can laod "AirNav" charts into the unit. I current use a fully licenced version of "AirNav"vfr/for flight planning but not moving map. If we get the Rec flying gps and you load AirNav to it how do we keep the thing fully current (AirNav is updated twice a year). Also do we get the full suit of charts, ie , ERC low, VTC & VNC or is it only the WAC charts.? Regards Bruce
  9. There is a Rotax service bulletin on this very issue with deals with both instrument error and other possible causes . BPN
  10. Gday Ian , when will you have this in your shop..? Will this grat stuff ever end?? I hope not. BPN
  11. Gday DB , a good guide is the ERSA. If you look under the remarks heading you will se a comment "This AD is a security controlled airport. " If there you need to display your ASIC. Regards BPN
  12. Well said farri, It is not compulsory to fly at above 5000ft. For those of us that have the appropriate training and a PPL the option is there if we wish to. In my view if your aircraft is equiped approriately and you have a proper understanding of the requiements together with good situational awareness a flight above 5000ft may actually be a safer option than under 5000 in certain circumstances. Just my thoughts Bruce.
  13. If my memory serves me correctly I think there was a magnificently restored C140 registered RAA in Broken Hill. i reckon if you contacted someone form YBHI aero club they would put you right. Regards Bruce
  14. Is there a problem with Ian's site or just me.
  15. Gday Mike, How are mate, haven't seen you around town much lately. You must be busy?? Bruce.
  16. Has anybody heard from "horsefeathers" lately. Hope you r ok Gerry. BPN
  17. Thanks Horsefeathers , got mine today. VERY impressed. Well done Gerry. Cheques in the mail. (heard that before) but true. Thanks BPN
  18. No probs BlackRod, Will let you know when I hear back ,have sent email to sentinent as per KAZ advice above. BPN
  19. Does any body out there use Air Nav VFR moving map in conjunction with an AV MAP EKP IV GPS. I know many who use it in conjunction with a Garmin GPS but cannot find an AV MAP user. If anybody does I would like to know how you get "G7toWIN" to talk to the AV MAP GPS in order to upload flight details ? Thanks BPN.
  20. BPN

    Gday KAZ, I see youy use vrf nav with moving map. I have vrf nav and use it manually . I have aTecnam P92 echo super with glass **** pit EFIS and coupled to AV MAp EKP-IV GPS. Do you know how I can use moving map (VRF NAV) through this GPS. I have not been able to find any one who uses it through this type of GPS. Plenty of Garmin users ok. You can contact me on [email protected]. Regards Bruce.
  21. Gday all, Have you seen "horsefeathers" post re his range of caps , polos etc. I think he is to be congratulated for this . We can at last wear something with distinction. Well worht a look at Recreational Flying Garments. Good stuff "horsefeathers" Regards BPN
  22. Gday Dark, I do not know you but have watched your posts with interest. Congrats well done. But remember the worst day flying is a hell of a lot better than being at the bar.(law) Well done and regards Bruce Nevill
  23. Hi guys , must have something to do with where you live. It is supposed to be the build up up here (Kununurra) but have been able to do 2 great flights this week. Friday flew to Cape Dommet then coastal and back via wyndham. This morning out over the Cockburn Ranges ,no waterfalls unfortunately, but very smooth and the magnificant East Kimberly beauty. Regards Bruce
  24. Gday greg. hows things? went for a gr8 flight this morning over vthe ranges and wetlands. Regards Bruce. (Kununurra)
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