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Everything posted by BPN

  1. BPN

    Gday Jim, just going through the site and saw your name. Thought I would send a quick hello. I met you a couple of times at YBHI I,m Bruce Churche's friend. I've got a Tecnam P92 Echo super Regards Bruce Nevill [Kununurra]
  2. Can anybody tell me what has happened to the "Airfields" section of "Pilot Tools". I found this a great way to pre plan when visiting new teritory. Regards Bruce.
  3. Geoff, whilst it is not their prefered method of notification, provided they re not buzy and you give a quick explanation like no telephone sevice or similair they have always been helpfull. Bruce
  4. Geoff,Forgot to mention .Go to web site , airserviesaustralia.com. and type in "sartime" in the search and it will bring up a fact sheet and other good info for you.
  5. I fly extensively in remote areas through the Kimberly ,Qld to Broken Hill. Nine times out of ten I lodge a SARTIME direct on 1800814931.You can also do it through flightwatch on 1800801960. Occasionaly I do it airbourne on the area frequency if no phone sevice is available berfore departue. Another option is with the briefing officer on 18008055150 Bruce f
  6. THe local aero club will make you very welcome. Jimmy Nesbit is CFI. nice bloke. I was there in Oct last year and will be again in about 4 weeks. The local "Flying Pardre" has a hanger and for a small donation you can hanger your plane.
  7. Thanks for your help. Bruce
  8. Australian AVMET No this site. Cheers
  9. Is anybody out there having trouble connecting to this site or is it just my PC.? Bruce
  10. Well done Darky, I would like 3 please. Phrase " Flying gets you high" No user name. Thanks Bruce ([email protected])
  11. Gday Greg, I live and fly in and around Kununurra. Recently did a trip to Broken Hill in Tecnam P92 super echo via some of the places you plan to go via. If you wish to contact me by e mail , [email protected] I will then ring you for a chat. Regards Bruce.
  12. I'll have a couple of whatever you decide. I do however like "RECREATIONAL FLYING- ANOTHER KIND OF HIGH"
  13. "how much money do we need to get all these gliders out of the sky over Gawler and more LSA's there?"
  14. G'day. Hope you enjoy your trip. I am planning a similar distance trip inabout six weeks. My wife and I are flying form Kununurra WA to Broken Hill in a technam P92 super echo. Plan to take 3 / 4 day and enjoy the scenery. Have planned legs of no more than roughly 2.5hrs at a time. Done this for a couple of reasons, (a) fuel stops (always nice to have the glass half full rather than half empty. (b) nice to stop for a chat,cuppa and stretch the legs and keep the mind alert. I get as much pleasure out of planning a trip as the actuall trip itself, hope you do as well . Regards Bruce
  15. G'day, Just joined today. Ex GA PPL now flying RAA out of Kununurra WA. Gr8 flying here this time of year. Cheers. Bruce.
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