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Everything posted by Dayble

  1. Hi, We are a syndicate of 5 with an excellent J230 hangared at Tooradin. I need to sell my share, so please contact me if you are interested. Price $16,000 Ongoing costs are $60 per hour, $125 per month. Great group of people and a great aircraft. regards,
  2. Hi, Cloud 9 Flyers has a share available in our Syndicate at Tooradin. Currently 6 Members. Share is $16,000, $130 per month and $60 per hour flying. Great Aircraft and group. Please email me for more details. regards, - Ian
  3. Hi, tooradin has Jabs - Learn to fly at Tooradin Flying School - less than 45 mintues drive from the heart of Melbourne 5998 3711
  4. Hi, i have one of these. I made the file wth windows notepad - tag.txt in the root directory of the camera's drive card ( example is for 22 July 2009 ) I also copied the file to tag1.txt so i could reuse it next time ( the camera removes the tag.txt after sucking it in) [date] 2009/07/22 12:23:11 reagrds, - Ian
  5. So we've decided to get 10 ply tyres 6" for our j230. Looking at past threads i can see a few sources. Can anyone suggest what a ballpark price is for the tyres and fitting ?
  6. Hi, Rohan at Dynamic Flight, Australias Leading Hang Gliding School / Official Home Page is the best for HG in Vic, if not OZ. He is not only an expert, but can also teach it. He does a range of courses, so you could even just try an intro course. Also does trikes.
  7. I am suprised that our Jab 230 has just a nyloc on the 1/8, single bolt, that holds on the front wheel - no pin. Is that common to other A/C too ?
  8. Our Jab 230 ( about 1 year old ) with about 60 hours on it, has lots of white fiberglass in the fuel dip, even making the drain valves stick open, if not checked. Seems it comes from when the holes for filler/drains were made. The wings were drained once and looks like it needs more. Hopefully the fuel filter will catch enough so that it does not fall out of the sky ....! Anyone know any tricks for flushing out the tanks ? Thanks, - Ian ( Cloud Nine Flyers )
  9. Dayble

    aircraft cover

    Thanks everyone - i contacted Dianne at Punkinhead ( very helpful )about J230 covers - $660 for cabin only, $770 for Cabin and cowl, $1770 full A/C. Silver, grey or blue, felt lined.
  10. Dayble

    aircraft cover

    Hi all, anyone know a good place to get aircraft covers for a Jab 230 ? I heard something about a place at Wagga that does them ? Interested in just windscreen, prop or full covers. Is there a trick to using them, so that the wind movement does'nt just act like sandpaper and grind the surface ? Regards,
  11. Hi, and thanks Brent and Blueline - really good comments. I agree, best to have tooooooo much fuel. Thinking ahead to our j230 syndicate A/C ( due Early Dec !!! ) we will have some people doing long trips and some doing laps. Prolly not sensible to have the learners doing laps with 120 litres ? Do you know just where the guage sensors are located ? Is there tech data available for that sort of detail ? I have not been able to find it at www.jabiru.net.au At the time, i tried flying very clean and level and also at attitudes to see if i could get an idea of just what was in the tanks, from the movement of the guages, but it is slow to respond... I will still make up a dipstick using a similar procedure to Blueline ( Ta ! ) Fuel cost is not a problem. A/C in one nice piece is ! ( and me too !!! ) I like the idea of Jabiru supplying or selling one. Like all A/C ( and cars etc ) it is up to the user to do the check on the flat and level... Thanks again,
  12. Hi all, Anyone made a fuel dip stick for j170/j230 wings ? Was flying a j170 and after a couple of hours, saw the fuel guages showing very low and the EFIS going from 0 to 20 Lt, sometimes just sitting on 0 or 4 for 10 seconds at a time... so we landed. ( Thanks Lilydale ! ) On the ground, the reading stabilized at 28 lt. I put a stick into each wing and got 1/2 an inch in one and none in the other, ( although you could hear it sloshing around ) So i put a nother 40 in just to be sure... When i picked up the plane it read 90 lt and that tallied with the paperwork, but who knows ? Unless you put the fuel in yourself, its hard to trust the guages and efis.... So maybe i will make a simple stick with markings like used on the Cessna's ?
  13. ps - the A/C will be at Tyabb.
  14. Thanks Simon, i missed that, and have responded.
  15. Hi all, we are syndicate purchasing a current Jabiru 230D. If you are interested in joining us, please call - Ian on 9830 8652 or Keiran on 5984 1562
  16. Thanks everyone for some very useful comments. I was talking with a very helpful bloke from Jabiru just now, who says that flying a j230 at slower rpm's is not a issue. ( although at some point it will be less efficient as the nose comes up and there is more drag)
  17. Thanks, i looked. Do you find yours is ok on sand, ruts ? Sometimes, the road from airstrip to town is not nice flat bitumen. I would have thought the small wheels would be a bit wonky... ? - Ian
  18. Hi all, The forums and data seem to say about 15 lph for a j170 and 21 lph for a j230 If you fly a j230 at just 100 kts, do you get much closer to a j170 fuel rate for that speed ? This question comes about from our soon to be syndicate, where some do not want to go to a j230 coz of the cost of fuel, now and in 3 years time. But we want to carry bikes and if we run a Jab230 at just 100 kts, maybe it would not cost that much more to run, for those that want to do it that way ?
  19. That Bladeschool is cute, but small tyres can be a problem on tracks, unless you are certain to be on roads.. There is quite a few, like Strida's and Spyders in that $ range, and of course plenty of the over $1000 ones !!! The j170 Aileron cables do make heaving a bike in a bit more difficult. Brent, do you think putting a door in a j170 ( like in the 230 ) to get at the luggage space is practical or might it weaken it too much ?
  20. Thanks Cap'n and Brent, There is quite a few nice places to fly, where bikes would easily get you to town or other interesting bits... Looks like i either get a j200-230 or make the A/C tyres quick release and learn to unicycle.... Brent, d'ya reckon 2 foldup bikes behind a j170 seat would be ok ? Say 25 kg and then the usual odds and ends like tools and oil and pump, tie down stakes, rope, ... ( for the Jab that is..)
  21. Hi all, Anyone know of an A/C that can hold 2 fold up bikes ? - Ian
  22. Hey, nice pic ! Thats us ! ( ann and Ian ) Ann and i decided the weather sounded iffy and went to Shep instead. Very good Thai food in Nixon street and very friendly people at the airstrip !
  23. Hi all, anyone know of a Jabiru i could hire to fly from the Alice to Broome and back ( or vica versa..) ? Hoping to take off a few weeks in September this year and have a look. My flying has been mainly in j160's. Most of the time will spent will be at each end, with some local flights to see the sights. Or - hire at each end for day trips ? regards, - Ian [email protected]
  24. Parked Hi Ben, sorry, i do not know the full story. Seems our Skydiving jump plane was parked on the grass and a student lost control and parked on PQC. I believe no one was hurt which is amazing and very good ! (someone rudely said that the sign on the Jab says 'learn to fly' but not how to land... gotta laugh.) ps - i am a Jab pilot, love them. (loved PQC too... sniff, sniff...) - Ian
  25. ps -Anothe pic - right way up... (edited to reduce picture size - Admin)
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