I had a look, not really with RAA, not quite what I would like to see !
Extract from Eureka document !
Jabiru Aircraft Restrictions
Because of a number of reported engine problems, CASA currently restricts Jabiru aircraft from flying over built up areas and this is having a devastating impact on the reputation of the manufacturer and impacting sales. The manufacturer claims the Australian engine problems relate to unsatisfactory local maintenance by aircraft owners since other countries which have different maintenance regulations to Australia are not reporting such problems and have not imposed such restrictions. CASA, in collaboration with both the manufacturer and the other overseas regulators, needs to determine whether the level of local owner engine maintenance is the source of the engine problems.
16. AOPA, in support of an Australian aircraft manufacturer, Jabiru Aircraft Pty Ltd recommends that CASA consult with the national regulators of the other countries where significant numbers of Jabiru aircraft operate, including New Zealand, South Africa, USA and Canada. If this proves to be a local engine maintenance problem, CASA and RAAus should look to alter engine maintenance regulations. In South Africa for example, engine maintenance is undertaken only by Licensed Engine Engineers. (See Section 10).
17. AOPA recommends CASA and the manufacturer implement a program whereby licensed engineers can inspect and lift restrictions on an individual aircraft basis for those aircraft deemed adequately owner maintained. This would allow flight by Jabiru aircraft over built up areas to be reinstated. (See Section 10).
This appears to be an example whereby CASA has focused solely on safety aspects with blanket restrictions but has not taken account of the commercial interests of the local manufacturer.